A Conan Doyle mystery

As I’m sure you remember, when Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes are in San Francisco (in Locked Rooms) reference is made to Arthur Conan Doyle’s visit to the city the previous year, during his Spiritualist tour.  Well, it seems that the good doctor visited Russell’s very neighborhood during his trip: a house not 100 yards from Russell’s, directly across the street from Lafayette Park, has a plaque reading “This house, built in 1881, was once occupied by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”  (I suppose a visit is a form of occupation.)

Even better, the house is now for sale.  Only $2,500,000, which in today’s market is quite a deal, especially considering that it has not one, but two literary connections.  Sorry, I can’t get a photo to lift from the site, but you can take a look at it, here.

If one of you buy the place, be sure to invite me to the housewarming, okay?

(And thanks, Mary G, for bringing it to my attention.  Readers rock.)


  1. Rebecca Lane Beittel on March 14, 2012 at 8:50 am

    See, now this is why San Francisco is so great!

  2. A fan of deduction on March 14, 2012 at 9:33 am

    Why dont you buy the house? dont authors get good money????

  3. TheMadLibrarian on March 15, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    Only if a deposed Nigerian prince is willing to foot the bill 😉

  4. La Donna on March 15, 2012 at 5:33 pm

    Umm … I realize that I’m tired from a day wrestling with banks and my dad’s estate (another thing they didn’t warn me about when I was a teenager anxious to be a grown-up) but … The plaque says built in 1881 but the blurb says built in the 1920s. So ….???

  5. kathy noble on April 4, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    I would just love to see a floor plan of the cottage in Sussex-I’m sure I am imaging it completely wrong. The living room (in my mind) is small and leads directly into the kitchen (can’t be) and I can’t figure out where the stairs to the bedrooms and the lab are! And what is the layout upstairs-and is the terrace looking south to the sea or do you see the sea (cute) when you look out of the front door? And where is Mrs Hudson’s room?
    I’m submerging myself in these stories too much, aren’t I?
    Too late!!!!!
    Thank you.

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