28 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…


It’s 28 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris.

For excerpts and information click here.




From page 51: The Préfecture de Police was on the Île de la Cité, between a one-time madhouse and cells used during the Terror for guillotine-bound prisoners: one did not expect a bushel of laughs from the Préfecture de Police.


In much of France, the police are gendarmes, or military police, rather than Surété Nationale, but even in 1929, Paris was under the Préfecture.  One must wonder whether, in later visits to Paris, Harris Stuyvesant encountered a gentleman by the name of Maigret…


To order The Bones of Paris please click on the following links:

Signed by Laurie

From an Indie

From Barnes & Noble/Nook US

From Amazon/Kindle US


The link to today’s photography image can be found by clicking here. 


  1. Chris on August 13, 2013 at 4:43 am

    No samples for me. I will wait to have the book in my hands. Definitely. Maybe…

  2. The Bold Flying Officer on August 13, 2013 at 2:43 pm

    However, to go from the sublime to the ridiculous, and obtain a laugh from a French Gendarme, I recommend you find episodes of the BBC sitcom “Allo, Allo” on DVD or YouTube. It is a hilarious spoof on the French Resistance during WW2 and the unintentional “heroic” deeds of Rene, a café owner, who has two escaping British airmen foisted upon him, to hide. The series quickly became an ensemble cast, one of whom is the local gendarme who is, in fact, a British agent. So to emphasise the fact the whole cast should be speaking in French, the gendarme – Officer Crabtree – speaks in fractured English, similar to but different from Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau.

    I commend it to the House.

    Mike aka TBFO

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