An iPad mini that’s really loaded
|August 22, 2013|
Yes, the first prize in this year’s Bones of Paris contest is an iPad mini pre-loaded with my books. It’s an iPad, it’s an e-reader, it’s just gorgeous.
The not-so-great news is, because Bantam Books is the sponsor, the iPad will only go to a US citizen.
The really quite good news is, we’re also giving away five signed hardcover copies of The Bones of Paris–and those can go anywhere in the world.
So no matter where you are, polish up your Pinterest page and send me the URL. You have fifteen days. The instructions are here.
Posted in Contests, The Bones of Paris
I make no bones about it. I love Laurie’s books
I would love a mini loaded with all your books. Not just to read Bones of Paris, but because I revisit and reread many of your books from time to time like visiting old friends. Thanks
Have always enjoyed your books beginning with the one where Mary was in college, then all the others that came before and after. Looking forward to reading the next one.
I would love to win an IPad mini loaded with Laurie’s books. I read the Mary Russell series all the time (and reread, too!). I have never had an e-reader/tablet and this would be a great start. Unfortunately, I have no way to post pictures on the web and have no idea what Pintrest is!
I started reading the Mary Russell books, when one of my students who loves England, told me about them years ago. Needless to say I have read every one of her books and loved them. I always look forward to her newest book. She puts so much thought and mystery in her novels. I have recommended them to so many people that come back to tell me they are also hooked. Linda Sparks
I love your books and would love to win either
Jody, glad you enjoy the books, and you might just take a look around Pinterest (if you’re reading this online, you can do Pinterest) and see if it catches your imagination. It must be fairly simple, if I can do it!