17 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…


It’s 17 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris.

For excerpts and information click here.



Janet Flanner & Ernest Hemingway, Café aux Deux-Magots, 6 Place Saint-Germain des Prés.


From page 347: On the edges of her group, [Stuyvesant] found someone who had been talking to someone who had seen Man Ray and his fiery new girl-assistant, going to the Lilas, or was it the Deux Magots?



Janet Flanner—who wrote a bimonthly column for Americans as Genet—said, “The Surrealists had their own table facing the door of the Deux Magots…”  I find the idea of an official Surrealist table fascinating.  Did it possess two and a half legs, perhaps? Was there a goat’s head emerging from the center? Or was the table in fact not a table at all, merely chairs in a circle?



To order The Bones of Paris please click on the following links:

Signed by Laurie

From an Indie

From Barnes & Noble/Nook US

From Amazon/Kindle US


The link to today’s photography image can be found by clicking here


  1. Margaret W. on August 24, 2013 at 10:23 am

    Yea! This morning I got to pre-order the audio version of The Bones of Paris! Yippee!

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