14 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…


It’s 14 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris.

For excerpts and information click here.



Lee Miller. Taken in Man Ray’s studio: 31 rue Campagne-Première


From page 89: … cross the boulevard Raspail into the rue Campagne. Man Ray’s studio was easy to find: there was a large plaque at the door. It was a beautiful building, ornately tiled and with many tall windows.


Man Ray lived here, with Lee Miller beginning in September 1929.  They met in June, as Ray was on his way out of Paris and Miller introduced herself as his new student–a role that included assistant, model, and lover.  In The Bones of Paris, Harris Stuyvesant encounters them on their return from Biarritz.


To order The Bones of Paris please click on the following links:

Signed by Laurie

From an Indie

From Barnes & Noble/Nook US

From Amazon/Kindle US

From Audible


The link to today’s photography image can be found by clicking here


  1. Laraine on September 3, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    What a life Lee Miller had! That photo is so captivating. Thanks for posting it, and all of the art leading us to the bones of Paris . . . .

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