Reader talent wins!



Every year, LRK—and her readers!—celebrate National Library Week and our love for libraries with a contest.

The theme of 2012 was “Thrills in the Stacks”.  2013 (LRK’s 20th anniversary as a writer) was, “If a Martian asked me what a ‘library’ was…” (That fabulous winning story, by our own fabulous Sabrina We-Knew-Her-When Flynn) is here.

And in 2014, the 20th  Anniversary of Beekeeper’s Apprentice, it’s

 “How The Beekeeper’s Apprentice Changed my Life.”

Or, considering Miss Russell’s blushes, feel free to tone it down to:

“When I First Met Mary Russell, She…”

Do me a drawing, write me an essay, create a short story a poem or a video paean to Russell & Holmes; piece me a quilt or embroider me a pillow or frost me a cake—anything that stirs your creative juices (though if it’s perishable, big, or even just beloved, you keep it and send me some photographs.)

The prize? A copy of every Russell Hardback, in the gorgeous UK editions:

UK Russells

Deadline: May 30, midnight, Pacific time.  Not one minute later.  I’ll be watching you!

Want some suggestions?  What about paintings?C5001714_small

Or a drawing?russelldrieshair

Or coloring book pagesAmericanColony_Large-1

Or Cosplay!Russell3

Or Pinterest pages

Or hey, what about a


RH-tattoos-768x1024Send me your evidence that Mary Russell has inspired you–and since this is not only celebrating Russell’s 20th, but also celebrating libraries, extra points if you can work a library into your submission.

Send it (or, a picture of it) to and remember, do so by May 30, to win a pile of English Russells!

Let the creativity flow!


  1. Christine Holt on May 19, 2014 at 9:09 am

    I’m admiring those beautiful book covers…but why isn’t The Game included? Was that a little Oops, or are there darker forces at work?

    • Laurie King on May 19, 2014 at 9:38 am

      Christine–both an oops and a reference to my readers playing the Game…

  2. Sandra Brewster on May 19, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    ooooh, intriguing…

  3. Sally on May 19, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    If I had more time I would do a screen play. Well, I have something to work on for next year. In the mean time….I will think of something. But I am inspired to a do a screenplay now. Will it be a different book next year? Or perhaps my own original Mary Russell adventure screen play…oh the creative juices floweth over…

  4. Claudia Stephan on May 19, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    Laurie, what a brilliant idea for a contest!

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