Book fest!

There’s a new Fest in town: the Bay Area Book Festival (first annual?) blows into Berkeley this weekend, and I’ll be there on Saturday, to chat about, well, books.  And writing and crime and stuff.  So if you’re in the Bay Area, come and play!map

Kids stuff, adult things, Grateful Dead and John Scalzi (no, not together) and Catriona McPherson, Kalli Stanley, Diana Chambers and me, talking about How to Get Away with Murder.  The schedule’s right  here.

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  1. Nora on June 5, 2015 at 11:40 am

    Wish I could be there – sounds like fun! When you coming back to Spokane, WA?

  2. Kit on June 30, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    Saw you at Book Fest and enjoyed your talk with the panel. It was slightly eerie to hear you speaking about your process and your history etc. Love Mary Russel and Holmes.
    gee whiz and,
    Thanks for Russel and Holmes and Stuyvesant (sp?)
    Bones of Paris was very creepy. Good job.

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