Island wiki-vid
|July 11, 2018|
Island of the Mad is joined by a number of other great historical mysteries in this new video production by the “video wiki” group ezvid.
(Click here.)
Other than a minor date problem, what do you think of their images?
Posted in Blog, Island of the Mad
Clicking on the link produces no results on my computer. I tried with both Firefox and Chrome. Are others having this problem?
If clicking on the link doesn’t work for you, either, you can find the video on
Not bad. I find the editing a little too rapid (and the transition effects too varied) but the images work for the most part. I would have maybe preferred a pic of Nick and Nora from The Thin Man over the Cary Grant/Grace Kelly image but that’s a tiny nitpick (and nobody ever went wrong referencing ‘To Catch a Thief’). Mostly I was thinking about how excellent a choice the Helen Mirren ‘Winchester’ image was and what great casting she would be (it’s possible I have a tiny crush on her…..though that still won’t get me to sit through ‘Winchester’).