Publication Day!


May Riviera Gold bring you some simple pleasures in a complicated world.

Today I’m over with the Murder is Everywhere crowd, talking about using beautiful little Monaco as a place for murders. And The Dark and Stormy Book Club has me chatting about all sorts of mysterious things. (the Apple link is here, but you can find these ladies wherever your podcasts are found.)

But don’t forget tonight’s launch celebration at Bookshop Santa Cruz—well, not AT Bookshop, even though they are opening their doors today for the first time (YAY—and keep safe!)  This will be a virtual chat, with maybe a short reading, and a Q&A (which we hope works better than the one the other day, sorry…) Click on that link to sign up for the event beforehand, or you’ll miss the first part of it while you’re signing up. See you tonight!


Riviera Gold is available signed from Bookshop Santa Cruz and Poisoned Pen—or from your local Independent bookshop, Barnes & Noble/Nook, Amazon/Kindle, or pre-order CD and audio. Or these Indies will sell you a copy with a very beautiful signed bookplate in it: Book Passage, Mysterious Books, West Portal Books, Third Place Books, and Murder by the Book.


  1. Janet McKensey on June 9, 2020 at 1:28 pm

    My mother, who LOVED your Mary Russel books, passed away at age 93 on May 4. I will be thinking of her as I read Riviera Gold.

    • Laurie King on June 9, 2020 at 1:33 pm

      Oh, Janet, I am sorry. Makes for a bittersweet pleasure, I know.
      Keep well,

  2. Tracy on June 10, 2020 at 8:46 pm

    I just finished “Riviera Gold” and loved it – it will need several passes, as do all the Mary Russell stories, to absorb all the details. I am curious, for instance, about the artist Luisa – is she real, like the Murphys, or someone you invented to go with the rest? I’m betting she is real, but google search has failed me so far….???

    • Laurie King on June 10, 2020 at 11:31 pm

      As far as I know, Luisa is fictional…but in that group, who can be sure?
      Glad you’ve enjoyed it!

  3. Deana Taberner on June 11, 2020 at 8:51 am

    Loved this book and the reappearance of one character had my hands itching to mix so I headed to my kitchen to make a batch of English scones to enjoy while reading. (Also to stop me from galloping through the story). The name Zelda had a small bell ring and when her husband Scottie arrived I wondered if they are a reference to real people?

    • Laurie King on June 11, 2020 at 8:57 am

      Yep–Zelda, Scott, and their young daughter are in Antibes that summer.

  4. Susan Bulla on June 13, 2020 at 8:56 pm

    I just finished this one borrowed from my local digital library and thoroughly enjoyed it as well as the rest of your Russell series. I have also enjoyed the Kate Martinelli series and your stand-alone! I am grateful that you are such a prolific writer because I am a voracious reader and couldn’t stand the wait!! Thank you for the years of delightful reading in the past and best wishes for equally fascinating writing in the future.

    • Laurie King on June 13, 2020 at 10:49 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it–thank heavens for libraries!
      Laurie King

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