A RussellKing Twitter chat

Miss Mary Russell and I (her editor, of course) had a conversation on Twitter over the weekend, which a mutual friend kindly transcribed and rearranged so it goes from start to finish, rather than having to scroll down to the bottom for the start (as happens when you follow the conversation hashtag, #RussellKingChat ):

MRH: Good day, @LaurieRKing, so here we are for a conversation on twitter. Thank you for joining me.

LRK: Hello Miss Russell! I’m not very good on Twitter, but this is the way you wanted, so please forgive any errors…

MRH: I’m sure they will be few. I find Twitter the ideal way to communicate with my readers. It is at once intimate and affords distance.

LRK: I remember you had a conversation with my friend Les Klinger some years ago, which he greatly enjoyed.

MRH: I found it tedious.

For the rest, pop over to the web site page of Fun Stuff.


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