Who IS This Person on My Page?

In the spring of 2021, it was time for one of THOSE conversations. No, not with my kids; with my long-suffering editor.

I’ve never been a writer who was satisfied with writing one set of characters, even if they are Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes.  Plus that, the Russell series generally involves foreign travel research, and covid was making that pretty tough. So, I said to my editor, what about something closer to home?  I’d played with an idea for another Kate Martinelli story, but the last full novel was published in 2006, which is long gap for maintaining a series. Plus that, by now Kate had to be getting close to retirement age for the SFPD, right?

What about Martinelli’s world—but with someone new?

Kate Martinelli was a cop.  Granted, she was not entirely comfortable with the somewhat paramilitary nature of any big-city police department, but basically, with the help of her partner Al Hawkin, she came to find a home in the Homicide Detail.

This time, I wanted someone who didn’t fit quite so comfortably. Someone definitely square-peg to the Department’s round hole, but whose abilities made her fellow officers, albeit grudgingly, willing to put up with her quirks, because she could do things no one else could. Things like notice details no normal person would.  Or catch a fleeting microexpression that betrayed a lie. Or use those subtle betrayals to manipulate her suspect into giving himself away.

But maybe this young cop could also use a mentor like Al Hawkin, who had always been a much rounder peg and was now comfortably semi-retired into the SPFD Cold Case unit.  In fact—why not make her mentor Al himself? Her opposite in so many ways, he even tended to break suspects using warm sympathy rather than prod them with analytics.

Sounds great, says my editor—go for it!  So I went for it, diving into these new characters and their cold-case investigation.

I finished the first draft of Back to the Garden, sent it off, let it sit for a while.  But when I sat down for a cold read before the rewrite, I found myself puzzled by Inspector Raquel Laing.  My first drafts always lack detail, because I write by letting the story grow unedited.  But in this case, Raquel’s almost complete lack of backstory, her elusive personality, even the reason she’s in the Cold Case Unit to begin with were all things I had set aside to fill in when I knew more. And now that the time had come to do so, I couldn’t find the right way to do so.

It wasn’t that she didn’t have a personality—she was every bit as complex and colorful as a writer could want.  However, she didn’t really want to talk about it.

It took a while to dawn on me, although I imagine many of you reading this are already there.

The reason Raquel Laing was playing hard to get not because I didn’t understand her, but because I understood her so very thoroughly. After all, I’d been writing her in a different guise for more than thirty years.

Readers are told next to nothing about the character Arthur Conan Doyle spent the most time writing. Sherlock Holmes has a brother, a vague family, an even vaguer past.  His physical description, education, tastes, friendships are given as quick sketches alone.  We learn about his habits and interests only when a story requires it.

In a nice bit of irony, I realized as I looked at my first draft that I had even mentioned Inspector Raquel Laing’s colleagues mocking her as “the Sherlock of San Francisco.”

I guess I didn’t get far from Mary Russell, after all.

Back to the Garden by Laurie R. King

You can pre-order a signed copy from Poisoned Pen or Bookshop Santa Cruz, or unsigned from your local bookshop, Barnes & Noble/Nook, or Amazon/Kindle .

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  1. Joy Gardner on August 14, 2022 at 11:41 pm

    I can’t wait to read this. I I’m a big fan of your Kate series but never been able to get into the Mary series ,which ,by the way my partner Kathy loves. Years ago before all this technology I wrote a letter to you . I was most impressed when you wrote back . Still have the letter.
    Glad you continue to write and I wish you every success. Write now I’m sitting in the sunshine in Perth Western Australia.

    • Laurie King on August 15, 2022 at 11:50 am

      Hi Joy, I hope you find the book, and that you enjoy it, sitting in the Perth spring sunshine.


  2. Chris on August 15, 2022 at 4:09 pm

    Apart from being both intrigued and very, very happy when I saw this book was coming, I’ve recently seen that it is to be the start of a new series. So this reader – with you since 1997! – is even happier! The characters and setting are most appealing.

    • Laurie King on August 15, 2022 at 5:07 pm

      Fingers crossed that you–and everyone else–loves it enough to justify my writing more of them!

  3. Ann Hand on April 17, 2023 at 5:21 am

    Just finished Back to the Garden and loved it! Especially the new detective Raquel Laying. Will there be more books with her? I hope so! I’ve read all of your books and I’m a big fan — thank you!

  4. Ann Hand on April 17, 2023 at 5:23 am

    Oops! Laing

  5. Susan Riley on August 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    I have been reading your books for many years and am very taken with Raquel Laing and definitely hope she is beginning a new series. Her role with the SFPD is intriguing, especially the new one as consultant. You handled the growing relationship between Raquel and Jen brilliantly, subtle and enticing. Loved the almost unnoticed slip in of the word “Hon”and her sudden realization that she had said it. Then the dramatic chase to rescue Jen. Her sister Dee was hoping for this new relationship. Am I right? Hoping for more to follow the “I am here” after the rescue and definitely more of Raquel Laing.

    • Laurie King on August 25, 2024 at 4:49 pm

      Yes indeed, this is going to be a series, although Laing #2 isn’t coming until 2026.
      And yes, Jen is definitely going to hang around…

      • Mary on February 14, 2025 at 5:02 pm

        How did Raquel hurt her leg?
        Can’t wait for book number two in this series
        I have read all of the Mary Russell books and the Kate books loved the Lantern’s Dance
        See you June 7 in AZ

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