Your attention please…


The New and Improved Laurie King site is now up, including two new pages: Mary Russell’s World, on which can be found All Things Russell, and a press page, still in progress but with two pretty cool documents related to LOCKED ROOMS

Please let me know how you like the changes.

Posted in


  1. Anita on May 29, 2005 at 1:33 am

    I like the new page. To see the time line of the books was interesting. Plus the little sentences that gave clues about the books was good. A little bit of information (or tease if you like) to wet your appetite for what is in the book.

  2. Rebecca on May 29, 2005 at 1:58 am

    Cliff House! I was in San Francisco on vacation a couple months ago and we ate dinner there, so I was very excited to discover that Russell and Holmes also paid the place a visit! Actually, while I was there I was reading Wallace Stegner’s Angle of Repose, which also mentions Cliff House briefly. A popular place to allude to, it seems.

  3. the good witch of Mary Tavy on May 29, 2005 at 4:36 am

    The new page is swell, but when did Russell trade in her Morris for an Austin?

  4. Dianna on May 29, 2005 at 1:45 pm

    My guess would be that Russell didn’t ship the good ole Morris cross the pond when they travelled to San Fran.

  5. Cornelia on May 29, 2005 at 3:33 pm

    The fun with update announcements is that you start realizing how many parts of the old version you have never consciously seen before …

  6. Erin on May 30, 2005 at 5:36 am

    This really has nothing to do with the new site other than the fact that I was looking at it earlier and noticed something interesting. I was at the mall yesterday looking for a cocktail dress for this thing I have to go to and a bunch of the dresses this year look very much like 1920’s style dresses. Dropped waist and everything! Crazy.

    And that’s all I really wanted to say. The site looks all shiny with it’s new pages=)

  7. Anonymous on May 30, 2005 at 9:21 pm

    You know, Kemal Ataturk was a very interesting man. And Turkey in the late 20s and early 30s was a very interesting place.

    This is just a remark. It bears no relation to the new page.

  8. Vanessa on May 31, 2005 at 12:57 am

    Is there any chance that you can put all the chapters of Locked Rooms on your website? I’m only kidding. 🙂

  9. 2maple on May 31, 2005 at 2:29 pm

    Well’e2’80’a6 you (and whoever helps with your web site) caught exactly what I was thinking. You write great descriptions of places, and, as a very visual person, I love it when I happen to have been there – but when I haven’e2’80’99t, pictures (and some background history) can really make a difference. That was a huge difference for me in reading ‘e2’80’9cO Jerusalem’e2’80’9d v ‘e2’80’9cThe Game’e2’80’9d having crawled all through Israel years ago v. never having been to India. The farther away from ‘e2’80’9cnormal’e2’80’9d, in time or culture, the more it helps.

    I had to laugh at the Roll Royce. Recently, I put together a ‘e2’80’9cThis is Your Life’e2’80’9d PowerPoint for my father-in-law’e2’80’99s 90th birthday and his first car, a Plymouth, looked of the same vintage…just not blue! All his grandchildren were fascinated by the ‘e2’80’9cold photos’e2’80’9d (the transportation, and especially, the hair styles and clothing – both the really old stuff and, interestingly enough, that amazing fashion era of the late-1960s-1970s).

  10. Daisy on May 31, 2005 at 3:11 pm

    Laurie – is the year correct, in the Russell Timeline, for The Game? I’m thinking it should be 1924?

    A Russell and Holmes timeline
    Spring 1914’e2’80’94Mary Russell meets the Beekeeper and becomes his Apprentice
    December 1918’e2’80’94February 1919’e2’80’94 Oh, Jerusalem! It’e2’80’99s cold in Palestine’e2’80’a6
    December 1920’e2’80’94Russell is drawn into a Monstrous Regiment of Women
    August 1923’e2’80’94Dorothy Ruskin brings them a Letter of Mary
    September 1923’e2’80’94Rev Sabine Baring-Gould calls them to the Moor
    November 1923’e2’80’94the Duke of Beauville invites them to Justice Hall
    January 1923’e2’80’94Mycroft sends them to India to play The Game


  11. Christy P. on May 31, 2005 at 3:30 pm

    Love the new page! I too liked the pictures of San Fran from the time period of “Locked Rooms”. It will be nice to have some visuals when I read the book (counting down the days now!). Also enjoyed the press page and the video clips. Loved the car! Oh heck, I just like the whole page. Very nice.

  12. Chris on May 31, 2005 at 3:48 pm

    I love all the ‘extras’ on the site, and the pictures are great. Very selfishly, can I ask if there’s any chance of getting more info on the new UK editions as they are published, ie just Locked Rooms for now, for example? Also, are you planning to tour again in the UK? (I did say this was me being selfish!)


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