Judith’s Brooch?

One of the joys of writing a long-lived series is the community that grows up around it. Which means I get letters like this one—a particularly appropriate post, since June, 2024 is the centenary of when Russell & Holmes were in San Francisco working on the events of Locked Rooms: Hi Laurie, sort of an…

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Laurie’s Adventures in BEEKEEPERing

Well, April was certainly busy. Two conferences, two Beekeeper’s 30th celebrations, all the flights and hotels and chatter those involve—and, I even wrote a bunch of new words. Not here on Mutterings, unfortunately, maybe I should fix that. As you may know, last year I decided to celebrate the anniversary of The Beekeeper’s Apprentice with…

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An everyday god on the road

As you probably know, I’ve been on the road since last Tuesday, talking about The Murder of Mary Russell in a variety of bookstores, tea shops, and even an opera house. During that time, I’ve also been listening to the talk about it, in person and on Facebook, and I’m so very happy that you’ve…

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The Game

Just a reminder that The Game special price ends tomorrow,$1.99 on Kindle and Nook.  Enjoy! Still, even after this special is over, the Laurie King YouTube Channel will continue to play the trailer we made for The Game, so you can appreciate Laurie’s reading and the clever work of Team LRK. “He’s real, then? Kipling’s boy?”…

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Beekeeper scarf

Back before Christmas, I mentioned here that the Goodreads community were feeling out interest in a Beekeeper’s Apprentice “infinity scarf“.  Well, it’s taken a while, but the good lady who makes the things has put up a sales link, for a limited edition, limited-time sale of the scarf.  It is printed with the beginning of…

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E-vanishing reminder

Just a reminder: the four Russell short e-stories will be unavailable starting next Monday. If you were thinking about putting Russell’s War, Mary’s Christmas, Mrs Hudson’s Case, or Beekeeping for Beginners on your e-reader any time soon, this is your last chance until the stories appear in an e-collection next September. The e-stories going out of, er,…

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My Holiday List

Barnes & Noble asked me to share my holiday giving list with them. Not that you’re getting one of these books from me, if you’re one of my friends-and-relations. You probably already have one, since I’ve been shoving these at everyone I know all year. But for those of you who want to know what…

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Laurie amidst the coffee plants

I got married during a time when I had been deeply immersed in setting up a coffee store called Kaldi’s (see Monday’s post.) Our honeymoon was an academic journey into the South Pacific, eight months through Papua New Guinea, the Australian outback, and island-hopping across the ocean from Tonga to Easter Island. And in many of…

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We have a look!

The Art department just gave me the cover!  So, what do you think? Yummy, huh?   Pre-ordering a copy lets Random House know you’re excited: Signed from Bookshop Santa Cruz or Poisoned Pen Books Unsigned or ebook at B&N/Nook or Amazon/Kindle.

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