from the Right-hand coast

Greetings, fellow earthlings! I was wondering for a while if I existed still, because nothing happened when I tried to log onto my server’s web site to fetch email, and a plaintive request to look at the Laurie R King web site gave me similar results, or lack thereof. But Blogger seems to be working, so I shall talk to you, although I may not hear your responses until I get back to my own machine.

I arrived in New York Monday evening, and came to my favorite hotel, the Library, a block from the NY Public Library’s lions. Each room has an arrangement of books on a given Dewey decimal system number (remember those? If so, your hair is going grey). I am based on the Philosophy floor, and the collection of books on the shelves in my room is an odd assortment indeed, including the (misplaced) novel by Ian McEwan that I was talking about the other day on this blog, Saturday. (That’s the book, not the day I posted.)

Yesterday I had breakfast with my good friends Barbara Peters and her husband Rob Rosenwald, owners of the Poisoned Pen bookstore and press in Scottsdale and Phoenix. It’s always good to talk to them because not only do they know all the publishing world gossip, they have thoughtful judgments to make on books and writers. Lovely to have a long and sensible conversation about what I do for a living.

I then made the rounds of bookstores, although since the next hardback won’t be out for two months, there wasn’t much but paper for me to sign. But it’s always good to say hello to my friends at Mysterious Books (Otto Penzler assures me the Basketball collection I mentioned a few weeks ago will be out in the fall) and Murder Ink. Then to the hotel for a futile checking of email, and back into a yellow cab down to Greenwich Village to sign and greet at Partners in Crime. One of the people connected with the store, Maggie Griffin, used to work on my web site and now does my newsletter, and is one of crime’s Good People. We had a quick bite and then went down to the docks for the Mystery Writers of America cruise, sitting on the upper deck and keeping our glasses and chairs from flying off into the water while talking books with Maggie and Marcia Talley, who edited Naked Came the Phoenix a few years ago.

Back on dry land (and unexpectedly, New York was dry yesterday, although this morning the predicted rain has arrived) I cabbed it up to 81st in time for the annual party spilling out, down the steps and onto the street in front of the Black Orchid bookstore. As I expected, many friends were there, but since I’d had two brief nights I didn’t join a dinner party, just came back to the Library and ate at the superb Italian place downstairs, and went to bed early.

Today MWA is putting on their Edgars seminar, which I will attend in the afternoon. I have a lunch date with SJ Rozan, and hope to meet up with HRF Keating and his wife Sheila Mitchell, then another party at the NY Yacht Club, which is located about as far as you can get from the water on this island.

If this travelogue bores you, let me know on your responses, and I’ll curtail such drivel in the future. Hope you’re all having fun, and I’ll let you know the next stage probably tomorrow.

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  1. Jennifer Ice on April 27, 2005 at 12:41 pm

    Keep it up!
    I am eagerly logging on every morning hoping to hear about your adventures in New York. I am glad I don’t have to wait for you to get back to the left-hand coast for a report.

  2. Dahra on April 27, 2005 at 2:11 pm

    Just misread “MWA” as “NWA”, and am having an Interestimg Mental Picture (IMP) of the two somehow merging.

  3. Barbara Ann Cook on April 27, 2005 at 2:38 pm

    Have you noticed the brass plaques with literary quotes embedded in the sidewalk on the south side of 41 St between Madison Ave and Fifth Ave leading to the NY Public Library? For years our family dentist’s office was in the building on the corner of 41 St and Fifth Ave and reading the quotes enroute was one pleasant aspect of going to the dentist.

    B A Cook, a 4th generation NYCer

    PS Apologies that NYC weather has been lousy since Saturday. It was glorious last week while we were stuck at work.

  4. riobonito on April 27, 2005 at 2:55 pm

    Bored, one who has rarely left the ‘Left Coast’..I look forward to hearing from you…so keep jumping in your cabs and take us with you…have mucho fun and we look forward to your return!

  5. 2maple on April 27, 2005 at 3:55 pm

    I’e2’80’99m always up for hearing about interesting things to do or places to go, eat or stay. I actually get down that way fairly regularly between family in NJ and occasional business in ‘e2’80’9cthe city’e2’80’9d’e2’80’a6we were in NYC around Christmas when we took our girls do some exploring and see Phantom (my older daughter just loved it’e2’80’a6the songs are still ringing through our house!!).

    Must be fun having lots of friends all come together at the same time – never a dull moment! If I were you, I’e2’80’99d probably end up sleeping the whole way home! – Nan

  6. Rebecca on April 27, 2005 at 7:23 pm

    All I have to say is this: that sound like a REALLY COOL hotel.

  7. Melina on April 27, 2005 at 8:02 pm

    Thanks for keeping us updated!

    My university library still uses the Dewey Decimal system . . .

  8. Anonymous on April 27, 2005 at 8:05 pm

    We love hearing about it! Details are great for those of us who are attending the Edgars vicariously and who have never been to NYC! Keep it up and have fun!

  9. Linda in Delaware on April 29, 2005 at 12:17 pm

    Oh Laurie – your reports are wonderful. Thank you and yes, as others have said, keep giving us this fascinating info!!

  10. etergre on September 16, 2005 at 3:44 pm


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