Your attention please…

By Laurie King / May 28, 2005 /

Ahem. The New and Improved Laurie King site is now up, including two new pages: Mary Russell’s World, on which can be found All Things Russell, and a press page, still in progress but with two pretty cool documents related to LOCKED ROOMS Please let me know how you like the changes.

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Musings and mutterings

By Laurie King / May 28, 2005 /

A theological musing to start your day. Are human beings ephemeral works of art? Installations, shall we say, along the lines of an Andy Goldsworthy daisy-chain of leaves drifting in a stream? Or is our soul the equivalent of a bronze sculpture, guaranteed to be around until the earth falls into the sun? One argument…

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Odd neighbors

By Laurie King / May 24, 2005 /

A recent temporary lapse in the demands of my time, due to sending a first draft off to my editor and having to wait for a reply, drove me to my shelves. Not to read, but to see if I could do something about the double waist-high stack of books waiting to be shelved, about…

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Hardback sows’ ears

By Laurie King / May 20, 2005 /

I should have known you guys would get it right. Yes, the inserted material in THE BEEKEEPER’e2’80’99S APPRENTICE was the section where the senator’e2’80’99s daughter is kidnapped in Wales. The book, from the beginning, was unavoidably episodic, a series of linked short stories. How else to do a book about a young woman learning a…

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How long is too short?

By Laurie King / May 17, 2005 /

There’e2’80’99s an interesting discussion over at a blog called Crime Fiction Dossier that is somewhat related to the last post here, and in fact, I was a little surprised that no one brought its topic up in a comment. Maybe my readers all think I’e2’80’99m so perfect that they don’e2’80’99t even think of me in…

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Reinventing the wheel

By Laurie King / May 16, 2005 /

You would think that after, God, is it sixteen novels? the seventeenth would go pretty much like the others. First draft in three or four months, a sort of expanded outline (since I am constitutionally incapable of doing an outline beforehand) that tells me what the book is supposed to look like; giving it to…

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Fearfully and wonderfully made…

By Laurie King / May 13, 2005 /

The San Francisco Chronicle recently informed me that the blood of autistic kids (autism being a diagnosis currently skyrocketing around the Bay Area) tends to show an inadequate level of immunity. The article I read made no philosophical reflection on that fact, made no attempt to point out a psychological parallel of the autistic person’e2’80’99s…

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By Laurie King / May 11, 2005 /

The site referred to in yesterday’s post should be found here, or so Sarah tells me. Sorry if I led you all astray.

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Edgar in a fluff

By Laurie King / May 10, 2005 /

This entry is in response to a discussion going on over in Sarah Weinman’e2’80’99s excellent Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind, regarding the Edgars awards and privacy. Sarah’e2’80’99s remarks were sparked by a DorothyL posting from one of last year’e2’80’99s judges (Tony Fennelly) regarding her strong objections to the book that won, and that led to…

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Meeting Mr Smird

By Laurie King / May 7, 2005 /

I am reading (or perhaps rereading, parts of it sound very familiar) Anne Fadiman’e2’80’99s EX LIBRIS (subtitled, Confessions of a Common Reader, although from page one it is clear that this reader is anything but common.) It is, obviously, about her passion for books, about such topics as the difference between a courtly book lover…

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