A bitchin’ post

When I was young and rude, as opposed to middle aged and rude, the word “bitchin” was a term of praise.  It is in that sense of the word that I invite you to join me over at Bookbitch, a bitchin’ blog about books. And don’t forget to give me your love letter to a…

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Paranormal, Sex & Culture

I’m still over at Bitten by Books this morning, if there’s something you just always wanted to ask LRK and didn’t have the chance.  And they’re giving away a bunch of books–great contests there. And, a reminder that on Saturday I’m with Pam Houston, 
Stacie Boschma, Sean Stewart,
Regina Lynn, and
Minal Hajratwala in San Francisco’s Make Out…

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Vampires and…Mary Russell?

Some days I am normal.  Others I am a tad paranormal.  Today is one of the latter.  I’m taking questions and comments over at the ever-thrilling Bitten By Books today, and it will probably spill over onto tomorrow morning, in case your thinking process is delayed.  Please join us, read the BbB/LRK interview, and throw…

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Week ten: posts and giveaways

We’re racing now into week ten of the Fifteen Weeks—two thirds of the way through the celebration, and only 22 days until The Language of Bees goes on sale and LRK hits the road!   And it being a Monday, that means Miss Russell is posting over on her Myspace blog, where she and Holmes…

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Stepped out to post

Twenty-seven days until The Language of Bees buzzes across the land. Laurie is not really here (Jedi hand wave across the screen.) This is not the LRK you’re looking for. It’s a blog tour day, so she’s over at the blog Jungle Red, talking to fellow writer Roberta Isleib about Russell and Holmes and…well, lots of…

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Week eight kicks off

While I try to get all my week’s clothes back into the suitcase and head from Maui to rainy CA, I thought you might enjoy a few things to keep you busy. Week seven’s contest on the Fifteen Week’s of Bees was for a Russellism, some sharp and pithy saying that Miss Russell might have…

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New friends

Today’s a guest blog day at the 15 Weeks of Bees (all buzz, all the time!) so Laurie’s having a visit with the nice folks over at Age 30+. Do join us, and while you’re there, have a look around and say hi to your new friends. Then back here tomorrow, with news about the…

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