book tour
Laurie’s Libraries (WA edition)
As part of the 20th anniversary Laurie Loves Libraries extravaganza, I’m packing my bags for a Pacific Northwest Literary storm, due to hit WA tomorrow. That’s right, Thursday, March 14: 2:00 at the Renton library; 4:40 on the Seattle-Bainbridge Island ferry; 7:00 at the library in Bremerton, continuing Friday at 10:00 in Poulsbo. Whew! Surely…
Read MoreCommunities
Cambridge is a town well experienced in repelling would-be boarders. I have never managed to drive directly to any goal in this town, even when I’ve had a GPS, or SatNav as they’re known here. This time I had only some scribbled notes from the map on my new iPad, and although on my second…
Read MoreUK Launch
(Apologies–I have a new machine that is proving shy about interacting with the blog program, so this post, from Thursday, is just finding its way to light. Laurie King Inc: the place to come for cutting edge technological wizardry.) … Romance is gone from the world. A journey that should be recognized with drama, import,…
Read MorePirates are “go”!
So, have you enjoyed our little break from All Things Laurie? Or did going cold turkey disturb your world too much? I hadn’t actually intended quite such a long break without Muttering at you, but it took me nearly a month after getting home from Portugal/Morocco/France/England/book tour to get my life in some kind of…
Read MoreThe day before the day…
I started writing this post in London on Sunday morning, in a family kitchen, listening to the click of the heating system sending warmth towards the radiators. This is a location achieved after one local French train, one high-speed French train, one highly entertaining Paris taxi ride (French/Algerian rap music and a warning about the…
Read MoreLondon Calling
In the early Twenties, BBC (the radio variety) used the phrase “London calling” as its call sign, informing the world that London was still up and active. During the War, the phrase took on overtones that were both poignant and pugnacious: We’re still here, damn your eyes! I like London, despite there being far too…
Read MoreA visit with old friends
Sometimes one gets a chance to revisit old friends. No, this is not a paean to Facebook, but mention of a short story, long out of print, that’s going to take another stroll across the stage in a collection of Sherlockiana being published next month. The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes contains a short story…
Read MoreBritish invasion
Hey Brits, on the first of September, you’ll have your very own Language of Bees–and shortly thereafter, a tour: That’s right, the pub date is 1 September, and although we’re setting up events now, I can say that I’ll be at the Reading Festival of Crime on Sept 12, talking about Murder in Mind with…
Read MoreTour photos
Here are some photos of my event at Vroman’s in Pasadena, thanks to Meredith Taylor and and Bob & Jan Winning. (Click on each photo to enlarge.)
Read MoreBook tours
One of the odder sides of being a writer in modern times is the way a solitary, dreamy individual is periodically required to become a travelling salesman. Once a year, more or less, the person who spends her working days in clothing that resembles pajamas folds up her laptop, scowls at her hair, retrieves her…
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