
The social event of the crime calendar each year is BoucherCon, named after the great writer/reviewer Anthony Boucher. This year the tribes gather in Raleigh, North Carolina for Murder Under the Oaks. The events page has just gone up, and I’m scheduled for two panels: Preventing a Mystery Series “Jumping the Shark” Oct 9, 1:00 Moderator…

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I’m off today to Thriller Fest in New York! (—and SO glad I wasn’t flying yesterday, when United Airlines was a parking lot.) This will be my first time at Thriller Fest, although I’ve been a member of ITW for a long time and I’ll know a fair number of the writers there. This is…

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Kepler’s & Crime

The marvelous Kepler’s Books in Menlo Park has an upcoming: Afternoon of Chaos, Killing, Crime, & Kidnapping @ Kepler’s Now, that may sound somewhat exhausting, but if you’re a fan of crime fiction, and you’re interested in how we writers do our thing, come and listen to 1) Plotters vs Pantsers, 2) It’s Not Me,…

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A slug fest!

I have lived in and around Santa Cruz for most of my life. I started school here in the fifties, I went to university here, I raised my kids here. As I said to the nice lady from the Good Times: “Santa Cruz is like a first draft: a shorthand sort of tale understood by,…

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BSI weekend 2015: Brrr

It’s been another fantastic BSI weekend here in ([bloody cold]) New York City.  Thursday after a lunch (French onion soup, nice and hot. Did I mention that it’s been cold here?) with the Random House Team Laurie, including editorial, publicity, and marketing, that was enthusiastic and energetic and warm (sensing a theme here?) the BSI…

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BCon 2014!

The yearly Crime Extravaganza known as Bouchercon is in Long Beach this year, and as always, it’s going to be a whole lot of fun, plus, if you’re interested in mystery or thrillers, true crime or romantic suspense, writing or reading, you’ll learn a ton. I’m going to be in three panels during the weekend,…

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LRK, Sherlockian?

When I first started writing the Russell books, I took great care to assert that these were not Sherlock Holmes stories, that they were about Mary Russell, with Holmes a supporting actor. Which they are, clearly. However… As I’ve mellowed, I have become more interested in the character of Holmes, curious about how this man…

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The author’s bedside reading

No, really, it’s the author’s…bedside reading.  These two books were tucked at the bottom of the bedside table of the motel in Corte Madera where I’m staying during the Book Passage crime writing conference: I have stayed in upscale hotels where the management appears at your door with flowers and a copy of your book to…

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Crime writing, anyone?

Coming up in Corte Madera, beginning July 24, a gathering of truly fabulous writers and editors are coming together to talk crime. For 21 years, this has been one of the best crime writing conferences out there—and yes, this year I’m joining in the fun. If you’re serious about starting a crime writing career, or…

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Laurie and Anne Perry, in conversation?

After a slow beginning, this next twelvemonth is heating up when it comes to events. June 29030, ALA conference, Las Vegas. I’m sitting the Sisters in Crime booth Sunday, then talking to Sherlockians and at the Author Tea on Monday.  If you’re a librarian, I’ll see you there! July 24-27, in Corte Madera, the Book…

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