Travels & Travails

[A letter, to those of you who don’t see my News.] I’m not sure if you, my dear Friends and Readers, have all just been super busy with the new academic year, or too swept up in the election to focus on anything but else, but the deadline is fast approaching for a contest that…

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Miss Russell’s Brilliant Friends

Many and many a year ago, in a (LR)Kingdom by the sea, we started celebrating various events (new books, Library Week, St. Swithun’s Day) by running contests. Some of these involved art, others words. We did crossword puzzles, pirate haiku, Russellscapes, “My Dream Library”—you name it, we’ve done it (next up: videos.) When we moved…

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Remember the Russellscape!

The Russellscape is a series of images contributed by all you Friends of Russell (& Holmes), that literally comes together, creating a moving panorama of the duo’s travels. It’s the modern version of the Victorian card game called the myriorama. We’re doing a new Fun Stuff section of the web site with art, crossword puzzles, and a new Russellscape—or,…

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The XX-rated Russell?

So a funny thing happened on the way to a Russellscape… Since changing over the web site a few months ago (if you haven’t seen it, take a look!) we’re been working on ways to bring over the impressive amount of fan art that’s accumulated in the old site. We’re also working on a renovation…

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Obits & headstones & hope, oh my! (contest winners)

Last month, I invited all Friends of Russell to speculate on that good woman’s death: was it in 1925, or recently—or in the future? How did her obituary in The Times of London read, or what did her headstone look like. (I really have to stop doing these contests: judging them just pulls me to…

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Contest ending…

Tomorrow is the last day to get me your entries for the obituary/headstone contest, so I have a chance to judge them AND SEND YOU YOUR COPIES OF THE HARDBACK BOOK… …and one of you an iPad mini (sweet!) before I take off on next week’s (!) book tour (whee–check out the cities here.) So if you’re…

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Headstones, Obituaries, and MURDER

The first entry has come in for this year’s contest: Bob chose the visual approach, and gives us his impression of Mary Russell’s headstone:Note the throwing knife and pipe at the stone’s top? Also his decision to obscure the date of our heroine’s death, althoughI will say the stone looks alarmingly…old. The contest closes March…

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It’s Library Week!

Happy National Library Week! Here at LRK Central, every year we celebrate Library Week, often asking you, gentle Reader, to write something about your relationship with libraries: “A Love Letter to My Library” was in 2009, then “My Fantasy Library”, followed by a dose of Piratical Booty. 2012 was “Thrills in the Stacks”, after which…

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We’re all winners today, however…

Dreaming Spies!                 —is out in the world today—huzzah! But before you all hunker down with your shiny new hardbacks (sooo pretty….) or your crisp new downloads, let’s celebrate today’s book launch that makes winners out of all of Mary Russell’s admirers by noting the winners of our…

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Fan-letters and haiku

This post isn’t strictly about writing Dreaming Spies, but is one of the things that happened afterward…. *  * Some years ago, I got a gorgeous, and literal, fan-letter from a woman who liked my books. I always like letters from readers, and I always answer them—but this woman had a degree in Japanese history…

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