Island of the Mad launches!

Today is MAD! Island of the Mad launches today, so shove your way through the doors of your local Indie, or get on the horn to The Great Brazilian River or your favorite online retailer, and snag a copy (I’ve put the links below.) We had a fabulous pre-launch launch in Scottsdale, with Charleston lessons… and…

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A Week in the Life…

So, this week I will: Drive to San Francisco and fly to New York, Monday. Have breakfast with a friend; go to the Sue Grafton memorial at the NY public library; have an afternoon meeting; and have dinner with friends, on Tuesday. Have breakfast with friends, an afternoon meeting, and dinner with friends, and that’s…

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Santa Cruz, Thursday…

I’ll be leading a merrie band of MWA NorCal members John Burley, Heather Haven, Katherine Hyde, and Gigi Pandian in a discussion of… SUSPENSE… at the Santa Cruz public library, Thursday evening.  Join us–there’ll be cookies!  

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Berkeley tonight…

I’ll be in Berkeley tonight, talking about the fascinating history of Mystery Writers of America, and its NorCal chapter–founded by the great Anthony Boucher himself, with a passel of great women writers. Join us!

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Me and BCon

The gathering of the Tribes of Mystery takes place in Toronto this year, from October 12-15. BoucherCon is the granddaddy of mystery conferences, with nearly four full days of multiple events simultaneously. If you’re looking for one Laurie King, you’ll find her at these panels: Thursday 2:30-3:30, Anatomy of Innocence (Grand Centre) Friday 5-6, interviewing…

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Takeback Tuesday: Lifting a glass to PPH

Pour you a beer? I’ll be working this great event along with Jonathan Franzen, Karen Joy Fowler, and Elizabeth McKenzie, raising money to support our local Planned Parenthood. But since this is a fundraiser, and you might live somewhat outside the driving area, you could just make a donation (…and we’ll owe you a beer.)…

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Building a book

I’m giving a talk this Thursday, based on the Santa Cruz library’s summer theme of Reading by Design.  Join me, and bring all your friends!  

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Fire season

So there I was, deep in a restaurant in Venice, when a variety of loud sounds from the outer world penetrated my bubble and I looked up to see this… And this…Rather alarmingly close, in fact… So I unplugged my laptop and got in my car and went someplace else for a little while. Now.…

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Laurie on the wireless

I’m talking on the radio, with Larry Meiller, on Monday morning from 9 to 9:45. Join us—and if you have questions, here’s your chance! Tune in here—Larry’s a great interviewer.

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Writing by design

The summer theme at the Santa Cruz public library this summer is Reading by Design. Come join us at the downtown branch on July 20, 6:30-8:00 PM, as I talk about the design of a mystery from idea to final publication: how does research work in, how much do I know about a story before I write…

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