You, Too, Can Become a Beekeeper’s Apprentice!

The next Russell & Holmes book (Riviera Gold) will be out June 9, five months from today!  So to mark the occasion, today the Community of the Like-Minded Reader is branching out into a new Facebook group we’re calling The Beekeeper’s Apprentices: It’ll be a free-ranging group, discussing and posting and gossiping about, well, pretty much…

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A Great Detective’s Birthday

Today is the generally accepted birth date of Sherlock Holmes. And I have no argument there–but the year? Was it 1854? That’s what most of the scholars assume.  Mystery Scene is hosting a virtual birthday party for Holmes’ 166th anniversary.  Well, not to argue with the experts (including my friend, the eminent Leslie S. Klinger) but…

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Birthday greetings

Today has been Mary Russell’s birthday, though it got away from me in a rush of tasks. My apologies, Miss Russell, and I hope your 120th went well! Your admirer, and literary agent, Laurie King

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Write and rewrite

[Sorry all, the rewrite workshop is the 29th, not the 22nd. Brain fever…] Today I hit the (theoretical) 2/3 mark in the new Russell & Holmes novel!  Not that 201 pages is a novel–even 301 pages isn’t–but there’s a rhythm to a book that I get to know, and 200 is a good, solid mark.…

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Halfway to a Russell…

The last couple years of my writing life have been a bit like having my laptop set up in front of one of those machines that spits balls down the length of a cage at a person holding a bat. It’s not impossible, to dodge, hit, or field the missiles and toss them back while…

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Justice Hall

Hey, our old friend Justice Hall is on special e-book offer now, $2.99 from my friendly neighborhood Bookshop or Nook or Kindle. The sun did not shine on Justice Hall so much as Justice Hall called forth the sun’s rays to fall at such and such an angle. We did not look upon it; rather, it invited…

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Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle, and Same-Sex Marriage

This month, I’m celebrating the equality of marriage.  The Art of Detection is a Kate Martinelli novel with two timelines, one of which is in the spring of 1924, when (according to the Mary Russell memoirs) Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell spent some time in San Francisco. But maybe they didn’t.  Maybe the story of Sherlock…

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RIP, Sherlock Russell

I received a photo today from Our Lady in the Bahamas, Marcia Talley, that gives a tantalizing glimpse of some hitherto unsuspected case… Let’s see, January, 1926. Shortly after the matters of “Stately Holmes”. Hmm…

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Happy Birthday, Mary!

Today is Mary Russell’s 119th birthday! If you would like to wish the good lady happy returns for the day, you can pop over to her Twitter page, here. (By Elina, from Finland) Or perhaps you have an image of Miss Russell that you’d like us to add to the gallery? In any event, thanks for…

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Merry Mary

Say, would you like a little something to help nudge you into that old holiday spirit? What about a copy of Mary’s Christmas? This is a pdf to download, so you can print it off, use it to create an illuminated manuscript, send it to a friend, you name it. Plus, this is an all-new…

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