Mary Russell’s War
Russell #WHAT?
Those of you who’ve been following my Mutterings in recent months will have a good idea of why a book takes such a lllooooonng time from first draft to hardback on the shelf—but even my editor had to admit that it felt early to be talking about the NEXT Russell after Lantern’s Dance. But no,…
Read MorePromises, Promises
When I opened up the fundraiser for Bookshop Santa Cruz’s Keep Kids Reading project, I promised to read the Jabberwocky, and I did. Then we hit $250 and, having promised the Owl and the Pussycat, I not only read the poem—with illustrations—I tossed in an Illustrated/Annotated “Owl and the Pussycat” for your printing pleasure. And now……
Read MoreThe Illustrated Mrs Hudson
The 2020 “Mrs. Hudson’s Case” Illustration Contest My US publisher has managed to stick an extra carton of the galleys for Rivera Gold onto a truck for me, which means I can give them away–yay! So let’s do this: 15 copies of the Riviera Gold ARC In a random drawing for those who enter the…
Read MoreHappy Anniversary, Russell & Holmes
On this day 99 years ago, two friends of ours were wed. February 17, 1921 Marriage, to Sherlock Holmes? He was the least marriageable man I knew. On the other hand, we were already partners. And having that piece of paper—that otherwise meaningless piece of paper—would undoubtedly ease such matters as border crossings, hotel rooms,…
Read MoreChristmas in the Dark
I love Christmas stories. Well, I love Christmas in general, but stories set in country houses with decorated trees, and snow outside, and the smells of baking and the sounds of carols…all of that goes so beautifully with knives and poisons, doesn’t it? Christmas in its nature is a solstice celebration, an assertion of light…
Read MoreMerry Mary
Say, would you like a little something to help nudge you into that old holiday spirit? What about a copy of Mary’s Christmas? This is a pdf to download, so you can print it off, use it to create an illuminated manuscript, send it to a friend, you name it. Plus, this is an all-new…
Read MoreMary & Sherlock, the Christmas War
As BookBub may have told you, there’s a special deal on the US e-book of Mary Russell’s War— As you probably know, Russell’s War would be an ideal present for this time of year since there are two, yes two, Christmas stories. One is about Russell’s childhood memories, and the other is all the way…
Read MoreRussell’s English War
Mary Russell’s War is now on sale in the UK! Clothed in yet another gorgeous Allison & Busby cover: You can order a copy from A&B, or from Waterstones or Amazon UK. Meanwhile, in the USofA, there are some specials running on e-books: A Letter of Mary ($3.99) A Monstrous Regiment of Women ($3.99) The Moor ($3.99)…
Read MoreWar’s new face
Another typically dashing cover from my English publishers, Allison & Busby: Their e-book edition will be out the first part of November, with the print to follow in the spring. What do you think?
Read MoreRussell’s War!
RUSSELL’S WAR IS NOW AVAILABLE! The complete collection of Russell short pieces—yes, ALL of them—is available in a gorgeous shiny new paperback from my good friends at Poisoned Pen Press. I signed for the Poisoned Pen bookshop on Saturday—and, since Les Klinger was there too, if you snatch at one soon, you’ll get a copy…
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