Pirate King sailing the waves of love

Since Tuesday’s launch at Book Passage in the Ferry Building in San Francisco, I’ve been welcomed by some great and enthusiastic stores. (Visit the Events page to see if they have any signed books left.) Today, the University of Washington Bookstore in Seattle put on a fabulous event for Pirate King, inviting the Seattle Gilbert &…

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Guest Post

Today I’m over at the excellent Murderby4, who very kindly asked to reproduce a post from earlier in the summer as part of the Pirate King virtual tour. Enjoy!

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That’s right, the novel that juggles Sherlock Holmes, Gilbert & Sullivan, silent movies, the poet laureate of Portugal, Morocco, spies, thirteen young blonde actresses, and above all pirates, swashbuckles its way onto the shelves and (I hope!) into your hearts today. Today’s blog post sees us, as Russell did, entering the town of Salé in…

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Tomorrow we sail!

Okay, we’re all throughly sick of the Modern Major General by now, aren’t we? Which makes this the ideal day to post this poor gent’s version, I am The Very Model of a Psychopharmacologist. If a copy of Pirate King would help your mental state better than a bottle of pills, the Poisoned Pen can…

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Two days of singing left to the signing

Frankly, I’m not altogether certain what a Singularitarian is, although I’m absolutely positive that the Modern Major General would be able to tell me. And as we count down to Pirate King, here’s a hint: To pre-order your Singularitarian, or indeed Pluralist, copies of Pirate King, the Poisoned Pen can help you, here.

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Three days to the launch

Perhaps you require a second dose of explanation concerning the topics covered in the Major General’s Song? Well, here is another illustrated dictionary edition. The countdown is rapidly counting down, only three days left until Pirate King! For a signed copy of Pirate King, without a dictionary, the information is here .

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Thrillers and cartoons, with four days to go!

An interview on International Thriller Writers—talking about silent movies, driving Holmes mad, exotic locales, and the book I’d like to write. (I live for driving Holmes mad…) The interview is here. **** Now, for a pleasant change from the tech of Google and Apple Major-General Songs, here’s a jolly cartoon version for you, as our…

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Five day countdown: PaiKu winner and…gigaflops?

We have a PaiKu Winner! Well, we have a whole lot of winners, since I thought all the poems were a hoot. Thanks to everyone who sent in their pirate haiku (and thanks, too, all of you who voted and saved me from having to judge!) All four of our top winners get a Pirate…

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