Higher Mysteries podcast

My buddy Rick Kleffel has posted his podcasts of the Higher Mysteries panel, in which four top-ranking crime writers talk about using religion and theology in their work, on his web site, The Agony Column: “You’re all here for Tax Law 101, right?” —Laurie R. King For all the seriousness of her premise, Laurie R.…

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The Mystery of a Good Event

What makes for a good event?  Well, it helps when a moderator is working with three wicked smart women with lightning-fast tongues and a great sense of humor. And it also helps when the crowd is equally quick on their feet and genuinely interested in the subject. (This shows about half those who eventually crowded…

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Higher Mysteries, Santa Cruz style

Tuesday night finds me in rapt conversation with three other Ladies of Mystery, talking about how we use religion and theology in our crime fiction, and why.  The panel will be podcast, and possibly videotaped (yes yes, I know they don’t use tape any more…) but if you’re anywhere in the vicinity, come and join…

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A party!

This Sunday is the annual garden party at the Sussex home of Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes.  But before you get out the car or book tickets, let me tell you that it’s all online, and all in the communal imagination.  That’s right: a Twitter party. Russell and Holmes have done this twice before, only…

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Malic-ious Laurie!

Malice Domestic is an annual conference held in Bethesda, MD, dedicated to the traditional mystery, gentle on its surface but roiling with deadly currents beneath.  And guess who’s just been named next year’s guest of honor? Guest of Honor: Laurie R. King Toastmaster: Laura Lippman Lifetime Achievement: Aaron Elkins Malice Remembers: Dick Francis International Guest…

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There was a library in Syracuse…

Rosamond Gifford was the only child of a wealthy lawyer, who inherited a fortune in 1917, invested it with care, and left a greater fortune when she died in 1953.  The first grant of the Rosamond Gifford Trust was a set of incubators for premature babies; her most recent grant brought me to Syracuse to…

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NQKing lecture

Last year we began our series of lectures on religious topics  named in memory of my husband, who taught comparative religion in California and before that in Africa. Please join us for the 2012 Noel King Memorial Lecture, next Thursday at UC Santa Cruz.  This year’s discussion is centered on the ethics and religious implications…

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St Louis, Denver, & New York (Times)

Since Thursday, I’ve been in St Louis for BoucherCon, the World Mystery Conference, along with 1600 or so other writers, editors, publicists, future writers, and just plain fans.  BoucherCon is a mixed conference, as much for fans as for people looking to learn something about the craft and the industry, and it’s often the only…

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Pirate King sailing the waves of love

Since Tuesday’s launch at Book Passage in the Ferry Building in San Francisco, I’ve been welcomed by some great and enthusiastic stores. (Visit the Events page to see if they have any signed books left.) Today, the University of Washington Bookstore in Seattle put on a fabulous event for Pirate King, inviting the Seattle Gilbert &…

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Garden Party TwInvitation

You say your Royal Wedding invite got lost in the mail?  The White House staff seems to be ignoring you this summer? Well, fret no longer, your invitation to the social event of the season–nay, the year, is here.  If you’re feeling social, drop in and chat with Mary Russell and friends (Will that husband…

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