Garden Party TwInvitation
You say your Royal Wedding invite got lost in the mail? The White House staff seems to be ignoring you this summer? Well, fret no longer, your invitation to the social event of the season–nay, the year, is here. If you’re feeling social, drop in and chat with Mary Russell and friends (Will that husband of hers make it this year?) If you think you’ll be too shy, we’re leaving a virtual gap in the fence for you to watch through.
When and where is this happening? This Sunday afternoon, on the terrace of Russell & Holmes’ house in Sussex–or, on a computer screen near you. And now, from the virtual engraved envelope, your invitation to join us for the Twitter Garrrrden Party:
Explanation and links are here. Come and have a great time, although I’d watch out for the honey wine, if I were you. Holmes makes it powerful.
Hi Laurie. Might be wrong place to ask, but have you any plans for a book tour in the UK? Thanks!
Hi Kate, sorry, but no plans for a tour in the UK this year–possibly next summer.
I love these books! I read through them in a few short days and watch for the next to come out. Of all the books and series of books I have read these are only topped by Conan Doyles original stories of Sherlock. Thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of us through these books. I look forward to the Pirate King and all that follow. Thank you for these stories.
Gah! Why wasn’t I able to read this announcement until now? I completely missed the event! Any plans on having another event like this in the future, Laurie? Here’s one hoping.
Maybe next year. Do you get the newsletter? It’s always in there, sorry you missed it.