Clarification, anyone?

I love the idea of working on a book that’s just coming to life, yet due to be published in June. I remember reading in one of Vita Sackville-West’s diaries about how she finishes a book the first week of May one year, and in the middle of June–the same year, mind–she goes up to London for the launch party. Ah, those days are gone.

No, Locked Rooms is finished, tidied up, and the very final typo revisions (thank you, Inge on RUSSL) slipped in. This is for the next book, a Martinelli which somehow manages to contain traces of Russell and Holmes’ passage through the city 80 years earlier.

How? Now, THAT you’ll have to wait for.

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  1. wolfa on March 7, 2005 at 3:02 am

    A new Martinelli! I enjoy the other books (and especially A Darker Place), but I first found your books through Kate, and I am very happy to think I will be seeing her again soon(ish).

  2. Anonymous on March 7, 2005 at 8:04 am

    Inge will be relieved to know the correction was made!

    ~the good witch of Mary Tavy~
    who is eagerly, even anxiously, awaiting Locked Rooms

  3. Pen on March 7, 2005 at 3:45 pm

    I am curious to see whether Kate will have moved on or whether the storyline carries on from the last Martinelli. How would you know which would be best?
    In either case, looking forward hugely to reading it.

  4. Anonymous on March 8, 2005 at 7:17 pm

    Was the typo Inge spotted the one for Dr. Ginzberg, specifically her first name? She is a familiar figure from Russell’s past, having been mentioned at least twice before in the Kanon (once in “The Beekeeper’s Apprentice” and again in “A Letter of Mary”). In those mentions, she had a different first name than the one given in the excerpt of LOCK that has been reprinted in the paperback edition of “The Game”.

    Maer aka “Merely a whim.”
    — panting after twisting herself into a pretzel to get her question asked, without spoiling everything for those who would rather not be spoiled on “Locked Rooms”. My apologies for the verbal contortions.

  5. Anonymous on March 9, 2005 at 2:57 am

    A new Martinelli ! Yay!

    “Nose in a book”

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