Day three

Kepler’s in Menlo Park is a bookstore with a fifty year history of social activism. It began during the days of the civil rights movement, kept stirring the pot throughout Vietnam, and survived more than one arson attack in its determination that a bookstore is not just selling carrots, but ideas.

These days, Kepler’s might be mistaken for just another successful independent with a great location and a super cafe next door. A browser doesn’t notice any predominance of activist tomes, because it doesn’t really have one. Just great books, and a recognition that even in novels, even in entertaining mystery novels, one can find transformative ideas.

It is an honor to be asked to do an event for Kepler’s, and great fun as well–they sure know how to pull in a crowd!

And by the way, to Becca, my daughter posted a comment on yesterday’s blog about LSE. I should add, in case she hasn’t, that rational thought should not be expected of someone just coming off the extended rite of passage that is the British Exam. A dimmed room, soothing music, and mother’s cooking may restore her.

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  1. Geri on June 25, 2005 at 11:19 pm

    Just received Locked Rooms in the mail and am deep in the throes and enjoying every minute!

    In prep I just finished listening to the Game — it made my long commute much more entertaining. One of the tapes was a bit blurry, so I tucked back into the book to refresh a couple of things and was reminded again how MUCH your dedication to librarians meant to me (as a librarian and as a reader).

    Much thanks for your stories and this blog!

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