
Okay, I’m registered for BoucherCon. Whoever decided that Labor Day weekend in da Windy City was a fun idea does not have my vote, but my buddy Dana (Stabenow) told me I had to and I always do what she tells me, even when it comes to writing a short story (WILD CRIMES). So I’m registered, and I will do my best to be there on Saturday afternoon for our panel on “The Thrill is Gone”, so I can talk about what to do short of killing off a character to keep a series interesting. Or maybe not short of killing off a character, who knows?

For the uniniated, you blessed many who don’t do conferences, BoucherCon (named after the critic and writer Anthony Boucher, thus pronounced Bowcher, not as if it was French) is the yearly mystery world conference–take a look at the page of registrations to get an idea of the authors who attend. It moves around the country, which was nice when it came to my backyard in Monterey a few years ago but not so great when I have to fly to Chicago. Two years from now it’s in Anchorage, but Dana promised me there’d be no snow and no mosquitoes, so I’m going to that one, too.

In the past, Dana and I have done panels with Barbara Seranella (about whom there is a note on the BoucherCon home page) that have been remarkable, but we’ll do our best this year on our own. Come and join us, we’ll have a gas.

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  1. Tania on August 8, 2005 at 8:21 pm

    I’m registered and really looking forward to this year’s event. Hope to catch your panel!

  2. Christy p. on August 8, 2005 at 8:57 pm

    Chicago?! That’s only a 6 hour drive for me! But, drat, Labor Day weekend is absolutely impossible. Whos bright idea was THAT? That’s our busiest weekend of the year here, so I couldn’t possibly make it this time. Maybe someday -*sigh*.

    Hey, don’t get any ideas about “bumping off” any of your characters any time soon either. I think you would have an angry fan uprising on your hands 🙂

  3. Vicki Delany on August 9, 2005 at 1:36 am

    I’ll certainly be at your panel. And if I can put in a plug for mine… I am moderating the Set the Scene: The Why and Where. Imagination and Reality panel Saturday at 9:00. Great time, eh? It would be great if you can come.

    Vicki Delany
    Scare the Light Away from Poisoned Pen Press

  4. Chris on August 9, 2005 at 9:47 am

    Putting poor Kate in limbo for six years leaves us wanting more! As for bumping off a character….Nooooo!

    Although you have written two Mary Russell novels consecutively, and the next two books are in the planning stages, do you find yourself with MR ideas which you want to use in a book NOW? And vice versa, of course…

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