My blushes

First to check in on the ART OF DETECTION front is Fran from the Seattle Mystery Bookshop, who says:

Laurie R. King’s fans who are eagerly awaiting her latest Mary Russell novel might, at first blush, be saddened by the fact that The Art of Detection is a return to her Kate Martinelli series, but fear not! From the first page, the reader is catapulted into the gas-lit world of Holmes, which is a bit disconcerting for Kate, but a true joy to Ms. King’s readers. Six long years have passed since we last ventured into Kate’s world, and her life has changed. Kate and Lee are now parents to a precocious three-year-old girl, and they’ve made a new home for themselves away from Russian Hill. When Kate and her fellow police inspector, Al Hawkin, are called to investigate a body dumped in a public park, they find themselves immersed in the world of Sherlock Holmes. The victim is the founding member of a local Sherlockian society, and has come into possession of what may very well be a heretofore unknown manuscript. Martinelli fans will rejoice to journey with Kate on her investigation of this complex and challenging case, and Russell fans will be thrilled to read what could be an explanation for some of the time Sherlock and Mary spent in San Francisco all those many years ago. With her fascinating and unique voice, I can and do recommend all things by Laurie R. King, but with this novel, I have to say I think she’s outdone herself.

My blushes, Watson’e2’80’a6

(And if you want to read a sample of the book, it’e2’80’99s on the web site.)

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  1. Anonymous on January 26, 2006 at 12:46 am

    Am really looking foward to seeing this now, particuarly seeing Kate and Lee as parents. Roll on May!

  2. Anonymous on January 26, 2006 at 7:52 am


  3. Chris on January 26, 2006 at 9:19 am

    Can’t wait for this one! I hope you are doing a launch in SFO – I’ll have to come to that and buy the US edition, but I’ll also be buying the UK one back home in Scotland. Now that’s the sign of a good book…


  4. KB on January 26, 2006 at 3:02 pm

    To Anonymous #2 above:

    Get a life.

    (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)

  5. Bronwyn on January 26, 2006 at 6:54 pm

    This may be the first Kate book I read, it sounds so good (and I love all things Sherlockian!). I’m looking forward to it.

  6. Mousie on January 26, 2006 at 8:06 pm

    I keep reading this post and the excerpt. They cause me to dance around my tiny dorm room going, “EEEEEE!!!!!!!” which has confused my roommate. I’ve read everything you’ve written and loved it all. Pleaseplease come to Third Place books again. Please?

    To anonymous #2:
    1. having gay parents does not necessarily cause the child to be gay also, rather like having straight parents does not necessarily cause a child to be straight.
    2. the Martinelli books are written more about the WORK Kate does and how she and other people interrelate than her physical relationships with Lee. If you chose to read the books, you would see that.
    3. Being gay is not bad. Really. People who identify as gay are just like people who identify as straight with one tiny differance. Would you discriminate against people who like green instead of orange? Think about it.

  7. Elaine McC. on January 29, 2006 at 9:19 pm

    No Blushes here. The Martinelli books have always stood wonderfully on their own. Kate has been sadly missed for some time. I’ve read the posted chapter, and can’t wait to hold the hard copy of the entire book in hand (and read it, of course). Sherlock Holmes and San Francisco — you’ve got quite the imagination, and immense talent!! Thank you, thank you, Laurie.


  8. WDI on January 30, 2006 at 3:36 pm

    Oh, wow! As one who has been eagerly awaiting a new Martinelli since the last one came out (in hardback, no less), this blurb couldn’t be more exciting. How am I ever going to wait?

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