Out the door
I’e2’80’99m on my way to talk to the librarians in San Francisco about the 1906 quake-and-fire, it being the centenary and they’e2’80’99re pulling in everyone who ever made so much as mention of the quake-and-fire in a book (mine was LOCKED ROOMS) and besides, they know I love librarians enough to get on the road at 6:00 in the morning for them.
So just a couple short things. One, because I don’e2’80’99t have a new book out, I’e2’80’99ll only be stopping in New York bookstores to sign what they have when I’e2’80’99m there the week of the 24th. But if you want something signed, I’e2’80’99ll be sure to check in at Mysterious Books, Murder Ink, and Partners in Crime during the week, so you can ask there.
And two, a thing those of you who get the newsletter already know (and there’s a new newsletter coming out in a week–what will you miss this time?): If you’e2’80’99d like business cards for Mary Russell and Kate Martinelli to keep in your Rolodex, send me a self-addressed stamped envelope, at PO Box 1152, Freedom CA, 95019.
It seems to me that in honor of the 1906 quake, the California environment is taking trying a new tactic to deal with all of you…instead of shaking you all to pieces in a single event, it’s trying to shrug you off in mudslides, one at a time.
It also seems that your idea of laziness is like my husband’s…meaning it doesn’t really exist in your world. When he wanted to buy a pair of lounge chairs for the deck I started laughing and asked him when he’d ever slow down long enough to use them. A sheepish grin was the only answer.
Is there any particular reason they are gathering authors for interrogation? Like are they putting together a memorial or something? Because that would be interesting to visit.
Alyss here, Just caught up on everything that i’ve missed (Went camping and got rained in yeahy!!) and just want to say thank you for answering my questions!! I only read them now.
Take care and keep well please!!
Have fun with the librarians, and wow! Business cards for Russell and Martinelli!? How cool is that? If I had a Rolodex I’d take you up on the offer. 🙂
Now that’s cool, There are books about a Martinelli. I was just doing a technorati search on Martinelli and found your site listed. I always thought the name was just a tad to obscure for anyone to consider it in a book but respect.
-Luke Martinelli
While waiting for more Russell or Martinelli action I began re reading the Rex Stout corpus. It is amazing that books written so long ago stay so fresh and fun. I do love the interaction between disparate but brilliant minds. Some of the same thing I like about the Russell/Holmes sagas. Ain’t reading grand!!!