May madness?

An April newsletter will go out soon’e2’80’94with tour preliminaries for June and a recipe, for those of you who requested What’e2’80’99s Cooking with Laurie. I should also mention that if you like the idea of business cards for Russell and Martinelli but don’e2’80’99t use a Rolodex, you can always tuck the cards in your wallet for reference (the titles are on the back) or use them as bookmarks. SASE to PO Box 1152, Freedom, CA, 95019. And finally, if you have questions about Holmes, lovely lost son, or anything else, ask them at the first of the month in the Ask Laurie feature of your friendly neighborhood blog.

If you go to the Santa Cruz Parks Department site, you’e2’80’99ll see what insanity LRK is getting up to on May 20’e2’80’94and what (I hope) a good number of you will be watching while she does it. The writer as daredevil!

As Rick Kleffel (The Agony Columnpointed out to me, Sci Fi writer Harlan Ellison had a similar gig a while ago where he would haul his old manual typewriter into bookstores and bang out a story sitting in the store’e2’80’99s window. I’e2’80’99m not actually going to be in a window, but people will be looking over my shoulder, including people online.

Send in your prompts, get your name in lights! Or in print, which is better, really.

And I’e2’80’99d appreciate it if you’e2’80’99d spread the word. The Parks and Rec people are working hard on this, and I’e2’80’99d like to help make it a success for them.

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  1. Rebecca on April 19, 2006 at 8:10 pm

    Hmm, I’m not sure if you meant for us to suggest prompts via blog comments, but perhaps you could finally write the story of the lovely lost son so many people are asking about… please please please?

    But whatever you end up writing about, I’ll certainly be watching!

  2. Anonymous on April 19, 2006 at 8:37 pm

    Could you set your story in Santa Cruz? I have fond memories of going to the boardwalk as a kid, back in the fifties. (That’s the nineteen fifties.)

    Somewhere I still have the pink plaster poodle I won at skeeball ….

  3. -> Ray on April 20, 2006 at 11:41 am

    I finally met Harlan Ellison last week, so I may be a tad defensive on his behalf today. Nonetheless, I don’t think HE would be very pleased by your description of him as a “Sci Fi writer.” His preferred term is “speculative fiction,” which is also conveniently abbreviated as SF. “Sci Fi” is largely seen as a derogatory abbreviation (except by the folks at that cable network).

  4. Anonymous on April 20, 2006 at 2:18 pm

    Are you nervous about the writer’s improv? It seems kind of terrifying…

  5. Anonymous on April 20, 2006 at 2:18 pm

    Are you nervous about the writer’s improv? It seems kind of terrifying…

  6. Trix on April 21, 2006 at 1:04 am

    “Sci Fi” is largely seen as a derogatory abbreviation….

    I’ve certainly never heard of that one before. Maybe it’s only “derogatory” to certain people in the US? How strange.

    I’m a keen sci-fi reader, and I don’t have a problem using that abbreviation, nor does anyone I know (but we’re not in the US).

  7. Anonymous on April 22, 2006 at 6:03 am

    Does Ms. King or anyone else who reads this have any information about when the next Mary Russell book is coming out?

  8. Anonymous on April 22, 2006 at 6:04 am

    Does Ms. King or anyone else who read this have information about when the next Mary Russell book is coming out? Thanks. 🙂

  9. Anonymous on April 22, 2006 at 6:04 am

    Ooops, sorry, I posted twice accidentally.

  10. Anonymous on April 22, 2006 at 5:32 pm

    Thanks for the asparagus recipie. I enjoy curling up with your books.

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