Thursday festivities
The drums please, and the confetti’e2’80’94the Edgar award winners are here.
And a gala night was had by all. After spending most of the day with Les Klinger (THE ANNOTATED SHERLOCK HOLMES) having lunch and dropping in to mystery bookstores all over the city (and I do mean ALL over) I threw on my glad rags and trotted over to the Hyatt in time to crowd into a room with 500 other people (I’e2’80’99m not convinced the fire marshal would have approved) shouting at each other over the wine, and then filed into the banquet room for a very edible dinner and the Edgars awards. Others will write of it better than I, but the men were beautiful, the women elegant, and all the writers above average. I didn’e2’80’99t agree with all of the awards, did agree with some of them, and freely acknowledge that the awards banquet is A Good Thing.
I sat at a table with, among others, Parnell Hall, Harley Jane Kozak, and the grand team of Bantam publicists, but I didn’e2’80’99t see enough of many people. Tom Cook and I agreed that next year, we really must’e2’80’a6 And I never did find CJ Box, one of my favorite people, and only managed to greet Mike Connelly and Mary Higgins Clark and Julie Smith and and and’e2’80’a6.
So now if your servant may be allowed to depart this city in peace, according to many words (after breakfast with web maven Maggie and maybe five minutes to do the shopping I’e2’80’99d meant to do since I came in on Monday) I’e2’80’99ll resume this saga from the serenity of my own home, with nary a siren or horn to be heard.
Laurie, as a new reader in recent weeks, I hate for my first comment to be pointing up a problem, but whenever I click on the hyperlinks in your blog, such as the list of the Edgar winners or the name of a favorite author, they don’t work. I get to a Blogspot ‘page not found’ page, or some such. Any clue what I can do about that? Many thanks, and thanks for sharing your days in NYC. Too long since I’ve walked my legs off there.
AS for me, some of the links work, but the Edgar winners didn’t. Who cares when we can get your off the cuff remarks about the gala days. Thanks for including us.
My sincerest thanks as well. 🙂
Hope you traveled safely!!
What a treat it must be to have all those mystery writers as ones peers. I’m not very good at being a fan … very good, though, at being a voracious reader. I laughed at your name-dropping, but knew I’d do the same thing in your place. Maybe one of these days.
I continue to get good feedback from my iris articles and antics, and I’ve been told “a lot of people” are hoping to meet me at the American Iris Society Convention in Portland next month. An odd and heady thing, to have my own fan base. Have a safe trip home. Iris Lady