Laboring away

Not a lot of work being done chez King the last few days, although a lot of labor. Memorial Day weekend is one of the two social high points on the family calendar (the other being Thanksgiving) which means friends-and-relations from as far as Portland flying, driving, and crawling in (our driveway is really, really steep). Which means a flurry of tidying and scrubbing and shopping, and of course this always manages to coincide with major non-writing projects such as the two-day residence of a team of gardeners starting at the top and working their way down, and a major clear-out of a storage shed. And in the corners and gaps hauling out the rewrite for Touchstone and trying to remember what I was doing.

So you’ll hear from me again when the dust settles next week and the last airport run has been done–which will more or less coincide with the publication of The Art of Detection on Tuesday.

Events will begin Thursday, and in June I’ll be at–
1st: San Mateo, CA
2nd: Menlo Park, CA
3rd: Capitola, CA
5th: Lexington, KY
6th: Nashville, TN
7th: Los Angeles, CA
8th: Tempe AZ
And an event with Leslie Klinger: Scottsdale, AZ
9th: Mesquite and Gilbert, AZ
12th: Seattle, WA
13th: San Francisco, Berkeley, CA
14th: Corte Madera, CA
23rd: Half Moon Bay, CA
24th: Santa Cruz, CA

For details, check out the Events page of the web site.

Then in September: England and Italy. More on that later, but if you’re free from September 20th to 23rd, take a look at the
The Women’s Fiction Festival in Matera, Italy

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  1. Terminaldegree on May 27, 2006 at 9:44 pm

    Oooh! I’ve just rearranged my work schedule so I can come! Thanks for putting your tour schedule here!

  2. Vicki Larson on May 28, 2006 at 5:32 pm

    I’m miffed. What’s wrong with middle America? No Minneapolis? No St. Paul? No Chicago? C’mon.

  3. Cornelia on May 30, 2006 at 4:24 pm

    Italy! So close – compared to locations like LA, San Francisco or Seattle – but still so far away … But hey, I do’t complain. I have your certainly wonderful “The Art of Detection” to look forward to! Maybe your travel route will lead you to Munich another day. Until then, I have our wonderful “Munich Readery” to sate my English reading appetite.

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