Librarians and other loves

Happy National Libraries Week!

Kiss a librarian today! Or at least thank one.

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  1. Kerry (WDI) on April 17, 2007 at 6:01 pm

    I will gladly do so — it’s one of the privileges of being married to one 🙂 Seriously, if there’s a better deal than being an academician married to the head of interlibrary loan (and former reference librarian) at my own institution, I don’t know what it is!

  2. Anonymous on April 17, 2007 at 6:02 pm

    Or thank one as you present some chocolate!

    Or just come into the library and see what’s new. Librarians love it when the library is busy.

    Mme. Librarian

  3. Linde on April 20, 2007 at 8:22 pm

    Thought you might enjoy this!
    Linde Brocato

    Date: Fri 20 Apr 15:09:43 CDT 2007
    From: Dennis Sears dsears@UIUC.EDU
    Subject: [Fwd: UI News: Victorian Amusements]

    Hello All,

    For a good time, please visit our latest
    exhibit in The Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

    “Victorian Entertainments: We Are Amused” will
    run through July 20th, beginning next week.

    Thrill to website now at :

    Hope to see you soon!

    Dennis Sears

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