First Draft to Proof: The Language of Bees (7)
|February 25, 2009|
These are pages five and six of the original first draft of The Language of Bees. The equivalent pages of the final draft will be posted on Friday, following my guest post at Jen Robinson’s Book Page.
Posted in The Language of Bees
If you’re going where I think you’re going with this… Well, let’s just say I had an oh-no-she’s-not-gonna-take-it-there moment and leave it at that. But, that set up could go several different ways.
Note to self: Be patient. Foreshadowing is just foreshadowing. It doesn’t mean that much yet.
I, too, had that “Oh, this is foreshadowing, isn’t it?” moment. I am on the edge of my seat, although I can’t help but speculate where this is going.