Love your library!
Happy National Library Week—kiss a librarian today. Or maybe take her or him a batch of nutritious muffins, or a shiny apple, or just a thank-you card. We love libraries!
And this being Library Week, the Twenty Weeks of Buzz contest for “My Fantasy Library” is now closed. I’m going through the entries (Wow, what a lot of great ideas!) and I’ll announce the winner Thursday—and because they’re such fun, we’ll try to format at least some of the entries so you can see them yourself, although that may take us a while.
However, for you, voting is now open on the Beekeeper’s Gallery contest!
“Beekeeper’s Gallery” is for all those projects that don’t fit guidelines for the other Russell art projects (that is, the Russellscape, the colo(u)ring book, or Illuminated MyStory.) Go here and admire the work, then cast your vote (once, please) for the winning entry.
And tonight, Neil Gaiman, the honorary chair of National Library Week for 2010, will have a videoconference tonight—for details see here.
Thanks, Laurie! It was fun dreaming up my ‘dream library’ and I’m glad to think of many others doing so also.
BTW, the link for the Gaiman event doesn’t work from here for some reason, but I just typed it into my browser ( and it worked ok that way. Thanks for letting us know about this.
Speaking of libraries and journals — here is a link to an article on Sherlock Holmes-ish detective fiction (with a paragraph on LANG) from Library Journal:
id=17237548 (with apologies if it has already been mentioned …)
Also came across this from a library cataloger’s listserv: facsimile issues of The Strand Magazine, are available in .pdf at A few novels are available
Or am I the only one who didn’t know about these??