
Thanks to everyone who sent in a comment over the last ten days—and congratulations to the winners (although Betsy Chamberlin and Elizabeth Copley, you might want to check your email if you’d like an ARC because we haven’t heard from you yet!)  And actually, I apologize for inflicting the task of a daily comment on so many of you—I didn’t think it through in advance, and hope it didn’t prove too irritating.  Still, it did give me a lot of lovely comments to read.

And I did read your comments, all of them, and I loved them—loved your enthusiasm for the upcoming book and for the idea of Morocco.  I began responding, but found that WordPress was sticking the response off on the end of the comments instead of matching them up, rendering it both pointless and confusing.

However, I particularly enjoyed Kaye’s wooden finial of the man with a bowler hat, Kristina’s bottle of myrrh, and Rachel Ratliff’s Costa Rican ox carts.  I appreciated umma from Jessica B, and her remark that “It would be hard not to care about the plight of the people who keeps you in shirts and good olives.”  I enjoyed Karen’s story about the white donkey, and Allison T’s Sinai donkey, and Kath’s Nissan van.

I appreciated Pam’s speculation about the effects of scirocco and Carlina’s remarks about the Moors; Jane Halsall’s blue/green (and, Come and Get Me Copper!) and Terry P’s brain neurons; Merrily Taylor’s evoking of Istanbul and Rachel H’s of Granada. I liked Iscah’s comment that for the zellij makers, a love of beauty was a love of God.

And to Tom Varela, I say Afwan.

If you didn’t win and are still willing to stay with me for this, you have another thirty chances:

Mary Russell is giving away an ARC a day beginning today, when she will also be Tweeting snippets from the book.  Her @mary_russell Twitter feed is here, and although you would need to join Twitter in order to do the re-tweets (correction:) respond to her tweets and enter the contest, you don’t need to join to listen into the conversations she has with her friends.

Random House has another ten copies of the ARC that they’re giving away, today and next Friday, through their Twitter feed, @AtRandom.

And when Russell and the publishers are finished, we will do one final drawing on July 31st of ten names from the newsletter subscribers.  So if you don’t subscribe to the News and Nonsense, which comes out about once a quarter, you might want to fill in the information at the top of the web site’s sidebar, here.

Good luck to you all, and thank you again for being such enthusiastic and supportive readers.  Since the response to these comments and photos have been so great, I’ll keep putting them up here over the next few weeks, although at a more leisurely rate than daily.

I hope you enjoy Garment of Shadows, whether in ARC, e-, or bright shiny hardback come September.


  1. Betsy Chamberlin on July 20, 2012 at 8:58 am

    OMG!! I didn’t get an e-mail, so this is the only way I can think of to respond. I would adore an ARC! I’m not sure I ought to put my real address here, so what should I do so you can get it to me?

    Betsy Chamberlin

  2. Libby Dodd on July 20, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    And for those of us who do not Twitter (titter?)

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