LRK and the Bestsellers

Thank you, everyone who helped push Garment of Shadows onto a whole passel of bestseller lists, from the Indies to the Gray Lady.  That’s right, the New York Times has a spot for Laurie King, along with the Independent Booksellers of Northern California, and Southern California, and the Pacific Northwest, and, and.

Thank you.  I hope in return that you enjoyed your read.



  1. Kate on September 21, 2012 at 10:45 am

    Loved the book! It was like catching up with friends you haven’t seen for awhile. “And then what did you do?” I love Russell and Holmes together but it’s nice to see them on their own too. Mary just keeps getting more awesome. 🙂

  2. annburns on September 22, 2012 at 5:34 pm

    The only problem with Garment of Shadows is it was over way too soon. And now I want another one! Thanks for all the pictures on Pinterest – many of which came instantly to mind while reading.

  3. The Bold Flying Officer on September 24, 2012 at 2:45 pm

    Over in the UK, I’m agog with anticipation …

    Mike aka TBFO

  4. Margaret W. on September 25, 2012 at 11:50 am

    HAPPY DANCE!!! And I am greatly enjoying the audio which arrived sooner than I had hoped.

  5. Chris on September 26, 2012 at 3:13 am

    Cicumstances meant it took me longer than usual to read – but this meant I was able to savour the story immensely! A re-read over a couple of days is due, for a more intense perspective. Loved it…


  6. Shannon Swain on October 4, 2012 at 4:27 am

    Just finished reading Garment of Shadows and am now slumped in the corner in a funk. How can I possibly wait until 2013 to hear more from my favorite author, the inimitable Laurie R. King?
    I discovered LRK–where else?– in a library, where I had raced to grab some post-surgical reading material. As I was going into the O.R. I gave my husband my reading glasses and the copy of The Game I had checked out….and they were among the first things I asked for in the recovery room! Mary Russell was my constant companion through five long months of treatment for breast cancer, and I owe her, and Ms. King, an enormous debt of gratitude for accompanying me on “my journey”. Thank you!

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