It’s 1 day until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris.
For excerpts and information click here.
The Latin Quarter
From page 87: The night felt soft after the harsh day, and… [Stuyvesant’s] feet took him along the boulevard Raspail; up the rue de Rennes; through narrow streets unchanged since students wore doublets. Down the quay to Notre Dame, admiring the massive dance of stone and the reflection of lights and the dark mass of moored barges.
The vast recreation of Paris under Napoleon III was largely concerned with the Right Bank, where government and commerce lived. Why spend money ensuring that students, artists, and the working class can travel more smoothly through well-lit streets, switch on electric lights in their sitting rooms, and flush their toilets with a modicum of efficiency? More pity, the Right Bank.
To order The Bones of Paris please click on the following links:
Happy publication day for tomorrow!
(and can we have another countdown over here for our edition…?) (Cheeky grin)
It’s about 5:30am here in Michigan on 9/10 — and I’m downloading the Audible version right now. Audible sent out their “Pre-order available” emails around 3am. I’m actually looking forward to the drive to work today. Hopefully, I won’t miss my exit (but I don’t even really care). I love publication day!!