Library giveaway

The first week’s Library Giveaway of a Book Club in a Box goes to the LA system’s Pacific Palisades Library–which has its very own Mysterious Book Club!  The library will get a whole box of Russells, as soon as they choose which title they want to read

How about you–would your library like a box of Russells for their book club?  Email me their name and we’ll do another drawing tomorrow, Friday: with the subject line of Library.

If you’ve already submitted a name, you don’t need to do so again, it’s a cumulative list.  This is leading up to the publication of the 20th anniversary edition of The Beekeeper’s Apprentice on May 27.

Good luck–and my love to your library!

Beekeeper cover

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  1. Karen Faris on April 24, 2014 at 6:46 pm

    For the library giveaway, Irondequoit, New York has just broken ground for a new library surmounting many struggles to do so. They have some of the most heavily used libraries in all of New York state’s Monroe County and a shrinking tax base. They are consolidating services from two libraries Helen McGraw Library and the Pauline Evans branch so either branch would benefit from this giveaway.

  2. Gail Lelyveld on April 25, 2014 at 6:40 am

    The Northeast branch of the DC Public Library has just been renovated. It now has a lovely room devoted to book clubs, one of which is a Mystery Book Club. I am sure they would love a box, and I would love them to have a box.

  3. Marion Johnson on April 27, 2014 at 8:46 am

    I am so happy that my little library in the Palisades won the first drawing. It’s a very special place. Thank you!

  4. Deb Martens on April 27, 2014 at 10:52 am

    Please add the Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI) to your list. We have 13 branches with one or more book discussion groups at each branch. An upcoming project is to make book discussion group kits for checkout, containing multiple copies of a title along with discussion resources. Your books would make a wonderful addition!

  5. Deborah Havens on April 27, 2014 at 11:15 am

    Cleburne Public Library in Cleburne Tx. We have some of your books but not all…please send us some.

  6. Heather B From SC on April 27, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    Pine Ridge/Congaree branch of the Lexington S,C library system, which is cute, friendly, inviting, and linked in to share with all of Columbia, SC! And…they must have a bunch of your readers begging for your books, because they always have your books available in the system, if not at our little branch in a poor area–but reading area!- of town.

  7. Linda on April 29, 2014 at 4:20 pm

    Thought I sent in Brooks Memorial Library, Brattleboro VT but we’re not on this list. It’s a great library in a smallish town and serves folks from our whole region. I have also volunteered to lead the discussion/s should we win.

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    Library giveaway

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