The Great 2014 Library Giveaway…

…continues, with four cartons of Mary Russell books left to award in our Book Club in A Box giveaway. Giveaway

If you have a library a) that you love and b) that hosts book clubs, and if you haven’t sent us their name yet, do so now.  Email it to me at:

The next drawing is tomorrow, Friday!

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  1. Sweet Home, OR Public Library on May 15, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    submitted by Lori King, 541-974-4132

  2. Megan Shanholtz on May 16, 2014 at 5:51 am

    The fort ashby public library is a very small rural library that manages to provide an amazing amount of programming for the community despite having a limited budget and a three person staff. They would welcome a box full of new, free books. And they deserve it, considering what they manage to do with their limited means. They have a monthly book club, provide lots if children’s programming, provide programming for area homeschooling families, and provide other various programs for adults–all with a three person staff!

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