The Triumph of Will (and Lorenzo and Luis and…)

By Laurie King / May 4, 2005 /

I love WIRED magazine. I don’e2’80’99t understand half the articles in it, they might as well be written in KiSwahili, but when they’re not about the latest development in Microwhizz software or the revolutionary twist in the Frimastan that allows bites to chew at an unprecedented 5000 chomps per second, they almost always have a…

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Edgars final

By Laurie King / April 30, 2005 /

I meant to say, I had a meeting Thursday morning with my editor and publicist (who is the p.’s assistant but the p. herself is off on maternity leave.) We had breakfast in the private dining rooms of Random House, which is rather like eating your friut bowl in the board room. Planning goes ahead…

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And the winners are…

By Laurie King / April 29, 2005 /

Best critical/biographical went to my friend Leslie Klinger for his brilliant New Annotated Sherlock Holmes.Best Paperback Original, The Confession by Domenic Stansberry.Best First Mystery by an American Author (the committee I spent last year chairing and reading for) was Don Lee’s Country of Origin.And the Best Novel Edgar for the year 2004 went to California…

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A rainy day in New York

By Laurie King / April 28, 2005 /

Rain was predicted Tuesday, and it was a lovely day. Clearing was predicted Wednesday, and the sky opened. Life as usual. Wednesday morning I enjoyed the coffee room at the Library Hotel for a leisurely breakfast and perusal of the newspapers–although the tables there are really not big enough for the New York Times, they…

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from the Right-hand coast

By Laurie King / April 27, 2005 /

Greetings, fellow earthlings! I was wondering for a while if I existed still, because nothing happened when I tried to log onto my server’s web site to fetch email, and a plaintive request to look at the Laurie R King web site gave me similar results, or lack thereof. But Blogger seems to be working,…

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In da apple

By Laurie King / April 24, 2005 /

I will be in New York this week for the Edgars, and I will try, really I will, to write a blog-a-day. However, if I go silent the entire week, worry not, it will just mean that there was a technological glitch and I will return when I’m back in front of my Mac. The…

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When a highbrow turns to crime

By Laurie King / April 23, 2005 /

I’e2’80’99ve been on an Ian McEwan binge recently, after reading SATURDAY (sorry, it seems I am not permitted to underline or italicize in this program, so you’ll just have to let me shout the titles at you. Complain to Google, they run Blogspot….) and loving it so much it added it to my very short…

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An adventure story (2)

By Laurie King / April 18, 2005 /

So, as I said in the last post, faced with the choice of security or a very dicey route home through the hills, I chose the latter. If you’e2’80’99ve read A Grave Talent, you’e2’80’99ll have had a taste of what our storms do to the hills. And in fact, my friend Laura Crum used that…

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An Adventure Story (1)

By Laurie King / April 17, 2005 /

The storms seem to have stopped here for the time being, which means the central California coast is flowering in that brief period between the rain season and the fog season. Those of us on hills can do a survey (cautiously’e2’80’94the poison oak is out) to see if there are any ominous stretch marks in…

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To choose to listen

By Laurie King / April 14, 2005 /

The Roman Catholics this week are choosing a pope, to replace the one who traveled the world talking to people. Perhaps this time they might do well to choose a man who travels the world listening to people. If there is any meaning at all in the Christian message (and because you are sure to…

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