Fifteen Weeks Wrap-up

Congratulations to Mary Turner, the winner of last week’s drawing from those who donated any amount to Heifer International through the Team LRK page. Mary won copies of the two brand new trade paperback editions of Mary Russell novels numbers 5 and 6 from Bantam Books as well as an ARC of The Language of…

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Library love

One of the things we were looking at with the Language of Bees tour has been how a series of library events would add to the mix. Author tours are generally organized by the Promotions department in the publishing house. Other forms of what might seem to be “promotion” to an outsider—such as ad campaigns…

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Tour stops & contests, both real & virtual

Today I return to the Left Coast. I will be at Vroman’s in Pasadena tonight, and tomorrow with my dear friends at the Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale. I hope you will join me there. If you prefer your book tours virtual, I am stopping in at the excellent blog Mystery Fanfare today, where I…

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In praise of GyPSy

As I said the other day, when it comes to being a travelling companion, my GPS/SatNav, whom I call GyPSy Rose, is a bit unfulfilling. However I have to say that, as a servant, she is nothing short of incredible. Most of us live in a society where servants are a theoretical or fictional entity.…

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Fan fiction & photos

The winners of last week’s Letters of Mary Fan Fiction contest were: 1. Laughing Beekeeper by Yolanda 2. My Virgil by Canzonett 3. A Pause in the Journey by Roseriter Congratulations to all three of you, and thank you to everyone who submitted their fan fiction stories. To read all of the story submissions, visit…

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My friend GyPSy Rose

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Cleveland Park library on a rainy afternoon yesterday and made it such a grand success. And I hope to see more of you at the SW Anchor library in Baltimore this afternoon. ___________ As I mentioned, I have a travelling companion. She is small and dark,…

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A Saturday on book tour

Tomorrow I will be in Baltimore at the Enoch Pratt Library. If you can, please join me there. And now, a recap of my Saturday… **** 4:50—wake up when people in the adjoining room thoughtfully watch early morning cartoons half an hour before intended alarm clock klaxon.  Repress temptation to pound on wall, instead take…

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May Day on the road

In 1887, an ill-employed medical doctor sat in his empty office and wrote a story as he waited for patients to come. The lights he wrote by were jets of burning gas coming out of the wall with a sconce set on top; the methods of transportation available to him were horse, train, bicycle, or…

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Postcards from the road

Here is a picture of myself and Jenny Sterlin, the voice of the Mary Russell audio books, at the April 29 event in New York (courtesy of Laidee Marjorie). If you have photos from any of LRK’s Language of Bees events, please share them with us! (Click on the photo to enlarge.)

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Edgars, etc.

Last night was the 63rd annual Edgars award dinner, the night when writers who usually work in their sweat pants climb into their best bib and tuckers, dust off the sequins, cram their feet into crippling shoes, and shine. The new MWA president, Lee Child, kept things moving nicely, and other than an unfortunate incident…

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