The Meeting, a hundred years on

  One hundred years ago, something happened. Something vastly important. An event that reverberated down the ages. If you’ve been following the Monday posts on this blog, you’ll know that two days and a hundred years ago, Miss Russell planned on taking a walk from her inherited home across the Sussex Downs to the Channel. And we…

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The BUZZZZZ about Library Week!

  Next week is National Library Week here in the USofA—with a theme of, “Unlimited possibilities @ your library®”—and this year, wishing to explore those possibilities, we’re doing something a little different. Yes, there will be giveaways, but—we’ll focus on middle schools. Do you have a middle school student in your family? Do you teach middle…

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Lost grey matter

Since the airlines (one of three) seem to have misplaced Laurie’s brain somewhere between Houston and Los Angeles (or perhaps in Phoenix), Mary Russell’s War will return as soon as the lost brain has been located and delivered to her door.  In the meantime, here’s a picture of yesterday’s fab event put together by the Mission…

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Tour, and toilets!

I hope you’ve managed to get your hands (and your eyes) on a copy of Dreaming Spies?  If not, I’ll be all over in the next couple of weeks, and I’m happy to sign one for you.  All my events are listed here.  Oh, and I should mention that there are still places left at the…

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We’re all Twitterparted!

Ready for the Twitter party? Got your tweeds and brogues stashed for the walk home across the Downs? Not on Twitter? Well, feel free to be a wallflower in the corner, trying to keep track of the fast dash of witty conversation as the guests get increasingly tipsy on Holmes’ honey wine and the sake…

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Excerpts, contests, giveaways–and takeoffs

I’m off to New York today, so I, a Central Coast native and weather wimp, would appreciate any warm thoughts you can send that city’s way. And if you’re within striking distance of Manhattan, come out and see me on Saturday when I’ll be signing copies of In the Company of Sherlock Holmes, in, well,…

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The Les & Laurie Show: Lovecraft edition

I love doing book events with Les Klinger. Conversations about Sherlock Holmes, from our two very different points of view, are a whole lot of fun.  And now Les has a new book on H.P.Lovecraft, and he’s coming to Kepler’s Books in Menlo Park to talk to me about it, and to sign it–plus, there…

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Los Gatos Lit Fair

There’s a Literary Fair tomorrow in Los Gatos, on the Civic Center lawn from noon to three: it’s fair, it’s literary, it’s waiting for you to join in. Go Libraries!  Go, Indie bookstores!  

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LRK, Sherlockian?

When I first started writing the Russell books, I took great care to assert that these were not Sherlock Holmes stories, that they were about Mary Russell, with Holmes a supporting actor. Which they are, clearly. However… As I’ve mellowed, I have become more interested in the character of Holmes, curious about how this man…

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Mystery & Thriller Throwdown!

Fabulous event coming on Saturday, an afternoon of crime, at Kepler’s in Menlo Park, CA: Mysteries & Thrillers, at each others’ throats.  Ten great writers (or anyway, nine and me) getting down and dirty about crime–the list of writers is here, and this is the program: 1:00 The “Rules” of the Publishing Game: The Times…

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