Judith’s Brooch?

One of the joys of writing a long-lived series is the community that grows up around it. Which means I get letters like this one—a particularly appropriate post, since June, 2024 is the centenary of when Russell & Holmes were in San Francisco working on the events of Locked Rooms: Hi Laurie, sort of an…

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Castle Shade Readalong—a Facebook Discussion

New year, new opportunities…new Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes coming soon! With The Lantern’s Dance going on sale next month, my publisher and I thought it might be fun to hold a Castle Shade readalong, to remind us all of where our dynamic duo are coming from and to set us up for the new…

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The BUZZ has a question

My newsletter, The Buzz, just went out–and there’s a survey in it asking if you’d like to come to one of the FOUR Russell & Holmes events being held next year. We’re in the process of negotiating with the hotels, so we need to have a rough idea of numbers. In case you didn’t get…

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Waves of glass

Every October, my county hosts Open Studios, three weekends when selected artists in all manner of media open their doors and let people wander in and out, asking questions, buying things—and commissioning projects of their own. I always set off with a list of artists I want to see, and I try to buy something…

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The Case of the Upside-Down Hebrew

A Grave Talent, as my first book was dedicated to my husband, Noel–in Hebrew, which is only right between two scholars. Amos 3:4 means, more or less, Can two people walk together unless they be in agreement? I know, scholars are really romantic, right?     Now, there are two mysteries here (beyond the mystery of…

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Russell’s life onscreen

The other day, a charming appointment popped up on my e-calendar: This was to remind me of a video conference with the English team working to bring Russell to the screen.  And despite smoke in the air, the occasional rolling blackout, and the inevitable problems of getting Microsoft to talk to Apple, we managed to…

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A RussellKing Twitter chat

Miss Mary Russell and I (her editor, of course) had a conversation on Twitter over the weekend, which a mutual friend kindly transcribed and rearranged so it goes from start to finish, rather than having to scroll down to the bottom for the start (as happens when you follow the conversation hashtag, #RussellKingChat ): MRH:…

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A Russell-King Twitter conversation

Saturday morning (or afternoon, or evening depending on your zone) Miss Russell and I will have a Twitter conversation that you, her reading public, may listen in on.  You can look at her feed or mine–@mary_russell or @LaurieRKing–and we’ll be using the hashtag #RussellKingChat. Some years ago, my friend and co-editor Les Klinger valiantly attempted…

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The Case of Laurie and the Monegasque Prince

The Case of Laurie and the Monegasque Prince One morning, the following email greeted my insufficiently caffeinated eyes, arriving as a message through my web site: On Jul 11, 2020, at 6:48 AM, {Name (First):1.3} {Name (Last):1.6} <noreply@authorbyteshosting.com> wrote: Name   Stefano Casiraghi Email   24hoursred2@gmail.com Message   I am Stefano Casiraghi Jr, and I…

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The Bronze Pour

One of the joys of writing crime stories is the wild variety of research projects that come along. In Riviera Gold, that includes bronze casting.  And what do you know—there’s a foundry right here in Santa Cruz. Sean Monaghan and Courtney Scruggs of Bronze Works made me welcome, let me poke around, and invited me…

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