The English Russells

Would you like a complete set of Mary Russell novels?  You know, Mary Russell, whose first Memoir, The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, was published twenty years ago this spring?  What if they were the gorgeous UK Russells?  And maybe, hardbacks? (I’ll even toss in the 20th Anniversary Edition of The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, as well!) If you’d like this pile…

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A box of Russells goes to…

The first drawing for one library’s Book Club in a Box will be Friday.  Have you nominated your favorite library for this book club’s worth of Russells?   Send their name to with the subject line Library, and–good luck, this or the next six giveaways!

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Lives change @ your library.

And a very Happy National Library Week to you! The theme of this year’s American Library Association celebration is Lives change @ your library.  So that’s what Team LRK is celebrating as well.  As you must know by now, I love libraries. I use libraries by the cubic meter, by the hundredweight, by the hour. …

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That was the year that was 2013

Looking at the family letter I always write during the Christmas season, I found myself trying to remember: what did I do this year, anyway? I know I had a book out, but… So I looked back at my calendar, and found that yes, I was a bit busy: In January, I was still wielding…

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A relaxing event

Relaxation isn’t exactly the defining characteristic of this time of year.  But to the rescue comes The Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries. My local library Friends asked me to participate in a fundraiser that everyone can get behind.  Here’s their flyer for the event: The First Annual Stay Home & Read a Book Santa Cruz…

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Giveaway the second

[This giveaway is closed now, thanks for entering!] The second giveaway of the Bones of Paris season is a Touchstone Book-Club-in-a-box. This means fifteen copies of the paperback Touchstone, to be given to one library. Does your favorite library sponsor book clubs? If so, make a comment to this blog post with the name of…

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Higher Mysteries

Last month, you may recall, I urged you to drop what you were doing and come to listen to four fabulous ladies (or anyway, three fabulous ladies and me) talk about how we use religion and theology when writing crime fiction.  There’s a podcast on its way, but the excellent video has just gone up…

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The Mystery of a Good Event

What makes for a good event?  Well, it helps when a moderator is working with three wicked smart women with lightning-fast tongues and a great sense of humor. And it also helps when the crowd is equally quick on their feet and genuinely interested in the subject. (This shows about half those who eventually crowded…

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Higher Mysteries, Santa Cruz style

Tuesday night finds me in rapt conversation with three other Ladies of Mystery, talking about how we use religion and theology in our crime fiction, and why.  The panel will be podcast, and possibly videotaped (yes yes, I know they don’t use tape any more…) but if you’re anywhere in the vicinity, come and join…

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“Clash of the Books,” Part IV

(For parts I, II, and III of Sabrina Flynn’s award-winning “Clash of the Books,” scroll down to yesterday’s post, or click here for the entire story.) IV “SFPD, we need to commandeer your…time machine.” The Time Traveller’s eyes widened, and his hand snaked towards a shiny lever.  Kate grabbed his wrist with one hand, and his…

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