The Meet (his version and hers)

I was fifteen when I first met Sherlock Holmes, fifteen years old with my nose in a book as I walked the Sussex Downs, and nearly stepped on him. In my defence I must say it was an engrossing book, and it was very rare to come across another person in that particular part of…

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Russell’s life onscreen

The other day, a charming appointment popped up on my e-calendar: This was to remind me of a video conference with the English team working to bring Russell to the screen.  And despite smoke in the air, the occasional rolling blackout, and the inevitable problems of getting Microsoft to talk to Apple, we managed to…

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A RussellKing Twitter chat

Miss Mary Russell and I (her editor, of course) had a conversation on Twitter over the weekend, which a mutual friend kindly transcribed and rearranged so it goes from start to finish, rather than having to scroll down to the bottom for the start (as happens when you follow the conversation hashtag, #RussellKingChat ): MRH:…

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A Russell-King Twitter conversation

Saturday morning (or afternoon, or evening depending on your zone) Miss Russell and I will have a Twitter conversation that you, her reading public, may listen in on.  You can look at her feed or mine–@mary_russell or @LaurieRKing–and we’ll be using the hashtag #RussellKingChat. Some years ago, my friend and co-editor Les Klinger valiantly attempted…

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Deadly Anniversaries comes out today! (And congratulations, Ellen, Richard, and Pat—you’ve won the hardback!) When the Great War began, in August of 1914, the British Army had about 250,000 regulars.  It took time to train new troops, and in the Kaiser’s first push, the Brits would have been hard put to hold fast, but within…

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Russell’s Nurse Friend

One of the people I follow on Facebook is a long-time admirer of the Mary Russell stories who came into the fold when she was younger than Russell is in Beekeeper.  She did some of the illustrations we’ve used in various projects, like this one of Baskerville Hall: (She was one of the few artists…

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Riviera Gold galley stage

Riviera Gold …comes a step closer to your hands: (The ARCs are here! The ARCs are here!) That’s right, the bound galleys of Riviera Gold dropped into my life while I was down in San Diego, and they’re really pretty. And have a lot of words in them, too! These copies are for my own…

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Giveaway Signup

If you didn’t catch the newsletter’s excerpt and giveaway of the upcoming Russell & Holmes short story, “Ten Years On,” you have a couple of days to put your name in for this ARC, for a book published April 21. The story is set in Brighton, in the spring of 1925, ten years after a…

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Happy Anniversary, Russell & Holmes

On this day 99 years ago, two friends of ours were wed. February 17, 1921 Marriage, to Sherlock Holmes?  He was the least marriageable man I knew.  On the other hand, we were already partners.  And having that piece of paper—that otherwise meaningless piece of paper—would undoubtedly ease such matters as border crossings, hotel rooms,…

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Exotic Settings

(Added note:for a few days, Dreaming Spies will be $2.99 on Nook and Kindle. in the US.) I always find it interesting to look back at a book I’ve written and reflect on what it turned out to be about, and how it fits into the rest of the series. While I’m actually writing the things,…

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