Book tours & Cons

A funny thing happened on my way to Dreaming Spies…           Months and months ago, I said to Random House that I didn’t think a tour was really necessary for this novel, since it would be the first Russell & Holmes in 2 ½ years and people might be interested in it even…

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The Weaker Sex 

I have had four lovely days of down time after a couple weeks of flitting about the countryside, and now that my laundry is clean and I’m almost caught up with emails, I think I’ll take off again. Today is Orinda and Sacramento, then Thursday I’m joining the migration towards Portland and Left Coast Crime…

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The Accidental Traveler

Today’s Dreaming Spies post has migrated over to the blog of some friends.  Murder is Everywhere is a blog where great crime writers talk about their view of the wide world.  They’re hosting me today, as I talk about how unexpected discoveries on the road lead to unexpected directions for the story.  “The Accidental Traveler”…

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BSI weekend 2015: Brrr

It’s been another fantastic BSI weekend here in ([bloody cold]) New York City.  Thursday after a lunch (French onion soup, nice and hot. Did I mention that it’s been cold here?) with the Random House Team Laurie, including editorial, publicity, and marketing, that was enthusiastic and energetic and warm (sensing a theme here?) the BSI…

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Rain! Rain!

It’s actually raining here on the Central Coast: real, long-lasting downpours.  Which will probably end instantly, now that I’ve said it aloud, but it’s so lovely to have real wet soggy ground outside my window. And so, for today’s Throwback Thursday picture, an image of yours truly in the Australian so-called desert, following a rare…

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Throwback Thursday Twofer

Today’s Throwback Thursday post serves as proof that some authors do their research long in advance.  Long, long in advance, like this picture, taken in 1982, a good twenty years before this particular writer set pen to paper to write The Game. And here, said author contemplating the possibilities of alternate universes, wherein she and…

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Oxford Story Museum

A quick reminder: the penultimate library drawing for a Russell Book Club in a Box will be tomorrow, so if your library holds book clubs and if you haven’t sent us their name already, do so now by clicking here. *  * I was in England recently, and spent a spectacularly lovely day in Oxford,…

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Laurie’s wanders

I’m moving around England, using research as an excuse for seeing something of this gorgeous May countryside.  Yesterday I walked all over Oxford, finding one new museum and another one that has closed down, leaving only a vestige in the corner of the Town Hall.  Also bookstores, of course.  I have been staying in the…

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This week I’ve…

This week I: – Sent Dreaming Spies in to my editor, waited a day, and received back word that she adores it, that it’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever written, and that perhaps more to the point, she’s going to send me a check.  – Finished my parts of The Mary Russell Companion, coming to…

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Well-mapped Bones

I love maps.  The Bones of Paris doesn’t have one, but that didn’t stop Team LRK! (Map from here.) Want to see the front of Man Ray’s studio?  Or Pip Crosby’s apartment building?  Want to follow Stuyvesant’s walk from Shakespeare & Co to his seedy hotel?  See the view as he muses over the Seine from the Île de…

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