Plots & PostIts
|August 12, 2009|
I’m over at Kepler’s Well Read Donkey again today, talking about plots, problems, and PostIts (with a photo of the last, a small avalanche of the yellow lined PostIts I use, then fold in half when I remove them so I know it’s a point I’ve finished with.)
Ooh, ooh, plots! Thanks for the tantalizing tidbits, and the interesting insights!
Thanks for an excellent middle. Laurie, you have three part first draft and five parts rewrite? We who love A MONSTROUS REGIMENT OF WOMEN will conclude that you operate on base 8.
Fun reading, Laurie! Looking forward to part III.
(I am not going to let myself spend fifteen minutes trying to read those post-its just for the sake of it. I am not. I am NOT.
Oh, hell.)