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In a transparent bid to build anticipation and heighten interest, various elements of the web site are currently under construction, and won’t work when you expect them to.  This means that if you’re trying to post a comment here on Mutterings, you’ll have to try again later.  Maybe even tomorrow.

It is all a part of our cunning plan aimed at complete world domination.

Crime world domination.

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  1. Nancy Wittig on January 1, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    Please oh please don’t write any more sequals….the waiting is horrid.

  2. RussellHolmes on January 1, 2010 at 6:39 pm

    Write more sequels Laurie I LOVE your books!! I have read the whole series at least twice! Keep Going!

  3. Donna on January 25, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    I love the road sign of “Man at Work” which looks like the ones I saw in England in the late 80s. The Irish equivalent had the man, the shovel (though he was standing straight up) and a dark smear on the “roadway”… We could never figure out if the Irish had the secret of putting piles in their places quickly or if there never was much of one in the first place… ***grin*** I thought it would have made a better sign if the “man” had been leaning on his shovel but then that might have conveyed a slightly different message than “a job well done”… ***grin*** By the way- most American “Men Working” signs no longer use the “man” figure but simply let you know in words – there is one though…http://www.ricesigns.com/real_pictures/workers_symbol_sign.jpg… Not much of a pile would you say?

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